Members Update - World Guardians Venveance EP16
Welcome Welcome once again to my Monday Update! I'm pleased to post the new story, "The Guardians: Vengeance," for members today!
In previous episodes, in a power move, Kayla locked Jake down in Sl-5 and now works with Dr. Alisa Lilya to rebuild the sirens using Csheri. Aurore (AKA Conviction) and Sunny (AKA Lightstreak) escaped and are now back on Earth. Chase and Conviction, along with Destiny and Rose were captured by Knox. Conviction is the much needed 4th person in her scheme to rebuild a superheroine team that only answers to her!! Knox reveals her plan to fight the alien invaders, and Chase is the key! With Rocko Smash’s help, Samantha Daily now leads a group of insurgents fighting off the alien threat in the streets of University City, but the leader of her crew, Ghostsword, was captured!.
Will Beta and Jessamy escape the mothership? Will Alisa help Kayla and rebuild the sirens? Will Samantha take back the streets of the city? Will Jake escape SL-5? What happened to the kidnapped Ghost leader? The answers to these and many new questions begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting adventure of "The Guardians: Vengeance" Episode 16 posts for members today!
For members:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/galler ... Episode-16Thanks for reading!