CROCODILE WOMAN - Mike Dandee and the King's Collection -#26
Whaht??...Bawbby isn't heah!...suh thomahs myde a recohdin of Bawbby's voice knaowin thaht Oy geh' aroused around hiiem...hahvin hiiem taellin me t' stie hawt, hohny and haelpless...he treecked me intao theenkin Bawbby was hiies preesonah...sao thaht Oy would stie uncawnscious and be paht of hiies cawllaection..." gasped Crocodile Woman in surprise as she assumed her heroic pose...her creamy hands balled into fists on either side of her thick shapely waist...her erotic bare creamy feet flat on the floor...her thick muscular creamy legs slightly apart...her immense firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her thin tight croc bra...outlines of her semi hard big puffy glossy pink nipples distinct on its flimsy fabric as she acknowledged the cunning of the evil elderly English lord's plan to keep her captive for almost a week.
"Fohtunytely Bawbby and Bahbuyra daon't meess thaeh mum Taerri's absaences too much...and hahve nao idea thaht she's moy saecreh' idaentity...i'll layve Suh Thomahs and hiies maen faw the nohthuhn taerritoray poloice t' ahrest and gao home t' the dahwin estyte in kahtheroine" resolved the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback...her immense firm creamy breasts heaving under her thin thight croc bra...relieved to know that Bobby was safe.
But distracted by her relief that Bobby was safe and thrill of finally being victorious over Sir Thomas King after almost a week being his captive, Crocodile Woman allowed herself to once again become complacent and was totally unaware that she was not alone in the room anymore.CLICK HERE to read CROCODILE WOMAN - in Mike Dandee and the King's Collection - #26:
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