Members Update - The Vanishing Part 3 EP 11
Welcome Welcome, everyone, to my Monday Update! Today, I’m pleased to be able to post “The Vanishing Part 3!”
As with other worlds, Cathy-Jo (CJ) attempted to take the superheroines prisoner and eradicate them. Dru, Blunder Woman’s little sister, saved the day and rescued the helpless heroines! Even though she saved the world, Dru was relegated to the sidekick role, which did not sit well with her. Following CJ’s lead, Dru recaptured all the heroines. Heroines from other worlds were also arriving to seek refugee status from parallel worlds, and Dru locked them up similarly. To escape arrest on Earth 2, CJ teleported her entire facility to Earth 3. Her facility houses a slew of tormented and tortured heroines from Earth 1 and 2.
Now, on Earth 3 without a way home, against all odds, CJ must fight for her survival!
In our last episode, we learned that Dr. Isley is keeping a little secret and that Dr. Cale discovered a horrific detail about Cyber Babs! Killah Frost attempts to rescue CJ, and we learn a little more about why Mistress Dru is keeping Earth 1’s Blunder Woman in luxury and not torment.
Will Batgrrl succeed in her plan to infiltrate the lair and rescue key resistance members? Will Diane of Krypton escape her trap? What did Veronica Cale discover? What is Dr. Isley planning? The answer to these and many other questions unfolds in this newest and most exciting adventure of… The Vanishing Part 3! Episode 11 posts today!!
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