STELLA Queen of Darkness - Samhain Rampage #8
Greetings folks! Welcome to a new chapter of Stella's Halloween 2023 special...
Stella confronted the young werewolves pack and get hurt with a mysterious arcane weapon filled with arkanium dust... with her powers gone, now she is suffering a cruel interrogation in the hands of the wolfpack. Whipped while she's tied in a painful rope suspensions, the pain is taking control over her entire body... but the hard vampire huntress refuses to talk!CLICK HERE to read STELLA Queen of Darkness - Samhain Rampage:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Stella-Queen-of-Darkness/Samhain-Rampage http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Stella-Queen-of-Darkness/Samhain-Rampage?page=2
Read on... Stella's Halloween 2023 special... ONLY at HIPcomix.com!