Jpeger's 2023 Halloween Extravaganza!
Welcome welcome once again to my den of despair!! Muahahahaha! ‘Tis *eye*, your host of horrors, Jpeger! Do I have a delectably devious treat in store for you today! Blunder Woman: Dominion of Infernos – Episode 03!
Many years ago, Queen Hippolyta and Princess Diane trapped an evil Demon in the Dominion of Infernos! Now, centuries later, it found a way to get its revenge! Capturing Wonder Grrl, the demon plans her revenge on Princess Diane and all of the amazons!!!
What revenge is this demon planning to unleash upon the Amazons? The answer to this and many new questions unfold in this newest and most exciting adventure of… Blunder Woman: Dominion of Infernos – Episode 03!
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