Members Update - The Sorority - We Are Not Alone EP 16
Welcome Welcome once again to my Monday Update! I'm pleased to announce the start of the new story, "The Sorority: We are not Alone." Episode 16 posts for members today!
In our last episode, Chelsea is transformed into a Beefy babe, and Modesta gets the dunk! Jessamy talked to Chase about her life choices and tried to convince her to rejoin the heroines of University City!
Will Jessamy get the Sorority ready in time before the attack? Can she convince Chase to once again become the Gymnast? What will happen to Chelsea?? Will Modesta survive her deathtrap??? What will Csheri force TR-1X1 to do next?? The answer to these and many new questions begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting adventure! The Sorority: We are not alone. Episode 16 posts for members today!
For members:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/galler ... Episode-16Thanks for reading!
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