FOX WOMAN - Rise of the Fox - #12
Shaw Skate Park
9 pm
Jade was the last competitor scheduled to take to the arena. The first call over the public address system for her to make her turn was not answered.
Quon, Wang, Ying and Lin smiled to themselves. Having competed earlier.... Wang, Ying and Lin were far advanced on points on the leaderboard and set to win the competition.
Just before the last call for Jade could be made...everyone in the arena was shocked when they saw Jade arrive in the company of the scantily clad superheroine Fox Woman. Shocked by what was happening...Quon, Wang, Ying and Lin headed for the exit....Quon running...Wang, Ying and Lin on their skateboards.
Ignoring the many people looking and taking pictures of her...Fox Woman looked at Jade who had her skateboard in hand. "Go and win your tournament Jade. I have to arrest some villains" said the Big Breasted Superheroine with a smile. "Go get em Fox Woman" replied Jade with a smile before she took to the arena and watched her superheroine crush run away with the speed of 30 foxes.CLICK HERE to read FOX WOMAN - Rise of the Fox - #12:
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