ASTRARELLA - Defeated at Last #16
Greetings everyone! Here we're with a new comic update of ASTRARELLA's space pulp action and peril adventures...
On the verge of Kock Out, Astrid felt her body being dragged out of the water. She was hoisted out of the water by her right ankle like the most gorgeous fish, choking and wet she dangled as dozens of the huge Baleerian hunters cheered.
"You are defeated! ... Now give up and let me into your mind!" - Told the elder's voice inside her brain.
Astrid shook her head and told: "Nobody breaks me!... Fuck You!!
The voice answered angry: "Have it your way, My soldiers!... Strip and dunk the bitch!CLICK HERE to read ASTRARELLA - Defeated at Last #16:
Read on... ASTRARELLA's space pulp action and peril comic adventures... ONLY at HIPcomix.com!