Members Update - Dark Widow: Red Room Revenge Ep01
Welcome Welcome to my Monday Update! It is I, jpeger, and It's time for my yearly Holiday Spoof! This holiday, I chose Dark Widow!
It takes place directly after After "the snap." Everyone is emotionally depressed, and no one wants to be a "hero" anymore. However, a new villain decides this is the time to rebuild Hydro. She's collecting new weapons that could mean certain doom for the 50% that remain!
Who is this new villain, and what are they planning? The answer to this and many other questions will begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting first episode of our yearly Holiday special! With no further delay, I present Dark Widow, Red Room Revenge! Episode 01 posts for members NOW!
For members:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/galler ... Episode-01Thanks for reading!