THE CROCODILE WOMAN - Toxic Terror - #16
Melacca Swamp
Northern Territory
3 pm
The helicopter took off as the former zookeeper/guide turned criminal took his cargo deeper into the swamp, the dense cluster of trees and marshes concealing him from sight. Dandee made his way owards a part of the swamp where there were a series of quicksand pits.
He met a group of thugs, hired secretly by Cesspool Industries, who were there dumping barrels of liquid chloro xylene waste into eh quick sand pits. They used hatchets to cut holes in the sides of the drums so the liquid toxic waste in the barrels would leak out into the quicksand, contaminate the surrounding soil and water.
"Hey boss. What's in the crate?"
"Spaecial cahgao thaht Mr Sludge wahnts deesposed of."
Mike turned the box over and The thugs were surprised as Crocodile Woman rolled out of the crate on to the soft muddy ground. CLICK HERE to read THE CROCODILE WOMAN - Toxic Terror - #16:
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