Halloween 2022! Blunder Woman Barkham Knightmare EP 1 & 2
Welcome Welcome to a new and exciting 2022 Halloween special edition comic! I hope everyone's Fall is going well! Time to move into the spooky season of the witch!! This year I've chosen Blunder Woman to face my Hallows eve wrath!!
Blunder Woman, Supergrrl, and Batgrrl are patients of Barkham asylum. Seems these 3 lovely young ladies are under the delusion they are superheroines or something! How insane is that! There is no such thing as superheroes!!
Never fear. Dr. Harla Quinn runs a tight ship, and these unhealthy ladies are getting all the help they need. However, Not everyone at the asylum is as pleasant as Dr. Quinn. Nurse Isley has it in for the trio, and late at night and on weekends, she applies her unique "treatments" to the ladies.
Will the trio escape the hash grasp of Nurse Isley? Is this a trap set to make them believe they are insane? What sinister punishments await the Super Vixens?
The answer to these and many new questions will be answered today!! I present, for your pleasure, the 2022 Halloween 2-part special! Blunder Woman: Barkham Knightmare! Episodes 1 and 2 post today!!!
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