Members Update - The Sorority - Hertz Donne It EP 012
Welcome Welcome once again to my newest update! Tis *I* Jpeger, and do I have a thrilling episode for you today! Episode 12 of Hertz Donne it! Posts today for members!!
In our last episode, Aurore offered submission to Dr. Vine but quickly turned the tables on her, leaving her bound for Donne. However, someone far more sinister has stumbled access her as the student she experimented on has returned to the lab, looking for answers.
Trixi was found, but Dr. Vine removed her eyes, so Aurore rushed her to the hospital. Meanwhile, using Sonja as bait, Carson tricked Casey into returning to Stern Industries and now faces a bomb set to detonate after Ava’s execution!
Will Casey and Sonja escape the explosive? Will Trixi get her sight back? Will Dr. Vine escape the wrath of her experiment? Will Ava and the rest of the sorority escape the prison? Will I ever escape this paragraph??? Things are looking grim for University City, and the answer to these and many new questions begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting adventure of! Episode 12 of Hertz Donne it! Posting today for members!!
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