"Thaht's whaht the wohld weeth theenk boy. Aftah Oy blahst ih', yoah feenguhpreents weell be found on the detonuytah, yah'll be dayd and we'll be lawng gone" gloated Mike as he donned a pair pf black leather gloves. "No!! No!!" cried Bobby, two thugs holding him as Mike put his hands on the detonator and pushed it down.
"Whaht?!!" gasped Mike in shock that there was no explosion. "Yyou mayn who Mr Dahnday!!" replied Crocodile Woman as she leapt out of the river. CLICK HERE to read THE CROCODILE WOMAN #22:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Crocodile-Woman/Crocodile-Woman?page=3Read on... ONLY in HIPcomix.com!