The sight of Bobby's arousal only made the Super She Croc's predicament worse. "Bawbby's's sao hahd..the why he looks at me..cahn't kayp a cleah hayd...Moike Dahnday knaows Bawbby's arousul cahn hypnotoise hayd cloudin i am gettin sao deezzy..i am gettin very tuyahd" thought Crocodile Woman as her green eyes were nearly closed in the slits of her croc mask and the struggles of her voluptuous and muscular creamy body became slower and slower.
"You puh' up good foigh' Crocodoile Womahn. Buh' yaw foineeshed naow. Weah gawnna tyke the boy and yah cahn't stawp us" gloated Mike as he held the bottle over the middle of the Super She Croc's G-string and let the final drops of acid croc chloroform fall on it. Bobby, distressed and aroused, could only watch his superheroine idol and listen to her final words.CLICK HERE to read THE CROCODILE WOMAN #20:
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