Bobby was sad to see his superheroine idol once again on the receiving end of punishment by criminals. He was embarrassed that he couldn't suppress his erotic arousal when he was around her."Uuuuuuuuuuuuh..thy ahh hawldin Bawbby roigh' in frawnt of me...Mr Dahnday is usin Bawbby's arousul t' hypnotoise me..kayp me deesoriented..impawssible faw me t' theenk cleahly" thought the sleepy Super She Croc as her green eyes became sleepier in the slits of her croc mask as she struggled to stay awake. Acting on Mike's orders , angry and humiliated at being beaten by Crocodile Woman, the thugs meted out more punishment to the Super She Croc.CLICK HERE to read THE CROCODILE WOMAN #19:
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