48 hours later
6 pm
Locked inside a hut near Sweetwater Pool, feeling increasingly despondent, Barbara Darwin felt hope stir within her as she heard low erotic feminine moans of "Uuuuuuuuuuh..Uuuuuuuuuh" She turned in the direction of the moans and saw her superheroine idol Crocodile Woman, lying on her back on the floor of the hut, her hands and erotic bare creamy feet bound with ropes, beginning to stir. She saw the Sexy Super She Croc's sexy toes with short glossy toenails twitching as her greem eyes slowly opened in the blackened slits of the croc mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face framed by wild loose blonde hair.
Fearing her moans could be heard by the four thugs who were camped outside, Barbara went over and knelt beside her. "Crocodile Woman. Can you hear me?" asked Barbara. "Bahbuyra?..uuuuuuuuuh..Yaes love..I was taellin Mr Dahnday the truth...whaen Oy side Oy would be uncawnscious faw two dies" sighed Crocodile Woman as she stared sleepily at her daughter.
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