Detective Women in Bondage File 1.1
Greetings everyone! Today we're starting a new classic detective in peril & bondage comic story, I hope you like it...
The gentle breeze sways the cherry trees in the garden of Kokuren Shiro, the legendary fortress of the ancient ronin Seki army... Now under the leadership of the legendary Tageshu Noda it is the nerve center of one of the most powerful Yakuza clans in Japan.
Inside, Kiyomi Yashida does not feel the gentle breeze or the scent of cherry blossoms... Only the certainty of the humiliation and pain that is to come at the hands of Tageshu's thugs, especially Juro Katsu, the clan's master interrogator, versed in the ancient art of the Shibari.CLICK HERE to read DETECTIVE WOMEN IN BONDAGE - FILE 1.1: on... Classic detective women in bondage comic stories... NOW at!