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Author:  Mr. Cryptic [ Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  ISHTAR VS. INDEKS #15!

Max Indeks has Ishtar under the spell of her own love magic!
His secret bioweapon is protected within an impregnable vault that not even American Goddess' superstrength can breach!
It looks bad for the heroines, but Ishtar and Hypnotica still have some tricks left!
And who is the superheroine in the pink suit on the cover?
Find out in Ishtar Vs. Indeks #15, in the member's area now!



Author:  lotchj [ Fri May 03, 2013 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ISHTAR VS. INDEKS #15!

Hey Mr. Cryptic!! What happen to Ishtar Vs Indeks # 16 Thursday?? When your not able to post on your scheduled day, you always let us know!! And tell us when you will be posting that missed Update. This time nothing was said??

Oh!! Ishtar VS Indeks # 15 was good!! But can American Goddess get that door open and destroy Max's Bio-weapon?? Ishtar is like a dog in heat!! All she want to do is have sex with Max!! It will be interesting to see how long she stay under Max's control ( hopefully not long). I wonder how American Goddess can free Ishtar from the spell. Ishtar is really horny for Max!!

I only wrote this message because you didn't post Thursday, seeing that you don't reply to messages on the forums like you use too, i'm try not to comments as much as I use too!! Again I only wrote this message because you didn't post on Thursday. I do look forward to your updates every two week here at Hip!!

Author:  Mr. Cryptic [ Fri May 03, 2013 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ISHTAR VS. INDEKS #15!

Actually, I'm now scheduled to update alternating Sundays, so I'm not late. I'll fix the preview page.

Hope you enjoy it when it comes out in two days!

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