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Bat Lady vs The Monster Doctor 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Bat Lady vs The Monster Doctor
Bat Lady vs The Monster Doctor

Mexico 1970

Under the cover of darkness...a group of thugs were busy unloading packages filled with LSD from crates they had taken off the back of truck inside of a warehouse.

"Get this stuff to the night clubs...the boss wants it used on women there so he can kidnap them and sell them as sex slaves" said one of the thugs.

"Change of plan gentlemen! You're little night club drug racket is being put out of business!" a female voice declared.

The thugs in the warehouse stopped what they were doing...and noticed that a woman with a voluptuous and muscular body was standing in their presence. Even in the dim light of the warehouse...they got a good look at her and quickly realised that this was not some ordinary woman who had accidentally walked in and discovered their illegal activity.

The woman was almost 7 feet tall...shapely with a very voluptuous and muscular honey brown body figure, wide hips and huge chest. She wore a black bikini...black gauntlet gloves, a neck choker, a long cape and a mask cowl that looked like a bat’s head with pointed ears...and was barefoot. Around her wide shapely waist, she wore a thick belt with various compartments.

"What??!!...The Bat Broad!!" gasped one thug...recognising the famous Top Heavy Mexican Heroine from her picture in the local newspapers.

"The name is Bat Lady! I fight against evil and save innocent people who need my help! I'm not going to let your boss use his drugs to kidnap innocent and unsuspecting women in Mexico!" declared the busty masked heroine as she assumed her heroic pose before the thugs.

Her gloved hands balled into fists...resting on either side of her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare honey brown feet flat on the concrete floor of the warehouse...her huge firm honey brown breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy tight black bra.

"You stuck your big tits where they don't belong you big boobed bimbo! Get her!" snarled another thug...as all the thugs in the warehouse stopped what they were doing and attacked the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine.

Flexing the muscles of her voluptuous honey brown body...the Bat Lady exploded into action...using a series of expert wrestling holds...throws...punches and kicks to dispatch ten of the brawny male thugs who outnumbered her...in different directions inside of the warehouse.

"Your employer may be able to bribe the police and judges to look the other way...but Bat Lady is incorruptible!!...There's nothing you can do to stop me!!" quipped the busty masked heroine as she planted the ball of her erotic right bare honey brown foot into the face of a thug...before evading the wild swing of another thug's blackjack...before countering with a left gloved fist to his gut...then throwing him over her left broad honey brown shoulder...sending him crashing into a wooden crate filled with packages of LSD.

The Top Heavy Mexican Heroine has no way of knowing that as this thug landed on the crate...some of the packages were inadvertently compromised....causing several small white cubes of the seemingly harmless drug to go flying through the air...several of them getting under her flimsy tight black bra...having an effect which took her completely by surprise.

"I don't have time for games gentlemen!...I'm a very busy superheroine!...I want you tell me who you're working for and where I can find them....so I...I...I...Hey...all of a sudden...I'm feeling strange...in my wide Bat Areolas...in my big Bat Nipples...something...is making them
...haaa...haaa...haaa...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard...the LSD...has somehow dissolved into their...very erogenous flesh...becoming...dizzy...
becoming...sleepy...so sleepy...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Bat Lady loudly in pleasure as she swayed from side to side on the balls of her erotic bare honey brown feet...her eyelids heavy in the slits of her black bat-eared cowl mask...as her vision became blurry with a growing rainbow haze.

Seeing the busty masked woman in difficulty...some of the thugs attacked her with renewed vigor

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUF" moaned Bat Lady in pain...as she missed with a wild right punch...but a thug drove his left fist into her toned honey brown abdomen...knocking the wind out of her sails...making her double over and rise up on the balls of her erotic bare honey brown feet.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Bat Lady in pain as another thug whacked her in the back of her head with his blackjack...making her stagger across the warehouse...and go crashing into some wooden crates...her muscular honey brown arms and long muscular honey brown legs flailing in the air.

"You're finished now big breasted senorita!" One of the thugs snarled as he and three others moved in to finish off the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine...thinking they had her on the ropes.

They were surprised when Bat Lady got a second wind and leapt towards them.

Planting the balls of her erotic bare honey brown feet into the chest of one thug...she knocked him back into two others rushing in behind them...with a fierce dropkick.

The three thugs collapsed to the floor of the warehouse and passed out.

Distracted by the sway of her huge firm honey brown breasts under her flimsy tight black bra...the last thug was caught flat-footed...as Bat Lady planted the ball of her erotic right bare honey brown foot into his face...knocking him out...and ending the battle.

Taking handcuffs out from the compartments of her utility belt around her wide shapely waist...Bat Lady bound all of the thugs in the warehouse...sprinted outside to where she parked her white sports car...got in...started the engine and drove away...minutes before the police arrived on the scene to arrest the thugs and shut down their LSD operation.

24 hours later
8 am

Tereza Luvia was relaxing at her private villa...her naked voluptuous and muscular honey brown body on full display as she stretched out on a sofa and read the morning paper.

Her thick glossy black hair loose and cascading on to her naked shoulders...the famous female wrestler...felt warm tingles in her big puffy glossy brown nipples and wetness in her big glossy brown clitoris as she read the morning paper...which reported her exploits as the sexy crime fighter Bat Lady against the drug traffickers.

"Oooh...That was an exciting adventure. Those crooks were no match for me as Bat Lady. But I have to admit...they almost got lucky when those LSD blocks got under my bra and dissolved into my wide Bat Areolas and my big Bat Nipples....They made me so spaced out... I would have been knocked out if they took the chance to really nail me in my huge Bat Breasts and my big Bat Clitoris...but with a body like mine...they got distracted" quipped Tereza.

"Anyway...I have another big wrestling match tonight and I could use a little break from crime fighting. I'm sure that whoever those crooks are working for will think twice before they tangle with me as Bat Lady" thought Tereza with confidence...as she flexed her muscular honey brown arms and long muscular honey brown legs...got off the sofa...and went to get dressed before leaving for the gym to train for her match later that night.

10 am

In his mansion in another part of the city, crime boss Victor Juanpito was furious when he read about Bat Lady shutting down the thugs who were running an LSD trafficking business for his cartel through the nightclubs....targeting young women to be kidnapped and sold as sex slaves on the black market to wealthy clients.

Juanpito was angry because this was the latest act of interference by the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine in the affairs of his cartel.

For the last month, Bat Lady had shut down other illegal activities that the Juanpito Cartel was involved in...sending many cartel members to prison in the process.

"That big breasted broad is sticking her big tits where they don't belong and costing me a lot of money! I need her to be dealt with and I know who to call!" snarled Juanpito as he took a knife and hurled it into a photo of Bat Lady that was stuck to the wall in his study.


In her private laboratory at her secluded mansion in the city...Doctor Irena Dos Santos took the call from crime boss Victor Juanpito.

A 40 year old woman...Dos Santos was once one of the most brilliant scientific minds in Mexico...until she was banned from practicing science as a result of illegal and ethical experiments.

She now offered her scientific expertise for hire to members of Mexico's criminal underworld in exchange for money and other favours.

"Yes Senor Juanpito. I can help you with your bat problem. But first I will need to assess the subject. I will also need to be paid part of my fee up front for my services" said Doctor Dos Santos as she looked at images of the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine in action against criminals...coming from a movie projector.

"Very well Doctor. The resources of my cartel are at your disposal and you shall receive half of your fee in advance" replied Victor Juanpito on the other end of the phone before they ended their conversation.

9 pm

Tereza Luvia sighed with pleasure...her hands caressing her naked voluptuous and muscular honey brown body...as she showered in her private dressing room at the local sports arena in Acapulco after another successful wrestling match.

As she emerged from the shower, dried herself off and got dressed in civilian clothes...the 28 year old woman heard a buzzing noise coming from her large handbag on a nearby dresser table.

Tereza reached inside of her handbag and took out what looked like a makeup compact.

However this was actually a hi-tech surveillance device...which allowed her to tap into any law enforcement communications...to tell her about criminal activity which she needed to deal with as Bat Lady.

Her naked huge firm honey brown breasts heaved up and down as she read the message on her device.

"Looks like members of the Juanpito Cartel plan to raid a chemical supplies company for materials for their LSD trafficking business. They'll get a big surprise when I show up as Bat Lady to stop them" thought Tereza with excitement at the thought of becoming her sexy, crime fighting alter-ego again.

10 pm

Bat Lady arrived in her white sports car at the offices of the chemical supply company.

Parking her car out of sight in an alley...the busty masked woman got out and made her way towards the back of the building...where she spotted a door was ajar.

The soles of her erotic bare honey brown feet making no sound as she moved...her huge firm honey brown breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy tight black bra which barely contained them...Bat Lady boldly sauntered into the darkened interior of the building.

Hearing the sounds of movement coming from a room ahead of her in what appeared to be a storage space...the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine sprinted towards the open door of the room...planning to catch the robbers by surprise...defeat them with her expert wrestling skills and leave them tied up for the police to collect.

But her plans went awry...when she entered the room to find no one inside...the door to the room shut automatically behind her...and thick white gaseous fumes filled the interior of the room from vents in the ceiling and vents in the floor...quickly engulfing her in a dense white fog.

...HAAA...HAAAAAAAAAAAARD...MY BIG BAT CLITORIS...GETTING...HAAA...HAAA...HAAAAAARD...WET...EXCITED...GOT TO ESCAPE..." moaned Bat Lady in pleasure as she tried to find her way back to the door of the now locked, chloroform-gas filled room.

The Top Heavy Mexican Heroine was unaware that four thugs wearing gas masks on their faces entered the room through a secret entrance in the wall.

...GETTING SLEEPY...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH....UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Bat Lady as she was clubbed repeatedly in her huge firm honey brown breasts...barely contained in her flimsy tight black bra...and right in the middle of her tiny tight black panties...by the four thugs with blackjacks...until she collapsed to the floor of the chloroform gas filled room on her back...her muscular honey brown arms flung past her head...her long muscular honey brown legs spread wide open below her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare honey brown feet resting on the floor on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with short glossy toenails straining to stay curled with tension and close together.

The busty masked woman was given no chance to recover.

As one thug held her hands and a second thug held her erotic bare honey brown feet...the third thug stripped her of her flimsy tight black bra...exposing her naked huge firm honey brown breasts to the full effects of the chloroform gas in the closed room...making her wide glossy brown areolas and big puffy glossy brown nipples harden at exponential rates...and the fourth thug...removed her utlity belt from her wide shapely waist and then untied her tiny tight black panties...removing them from between her huge honey brown thighs...causing the thick white fumes of chloroform gas filling the room...to flood through the strands of her thick matted glossy black pubic bush between her huge honey brown thighs...tickling her further in her big hard wet and excited glossy brown clitoris.

On cue...the third thug applied an electric vibrator to the sexy summits of the trapped Top Heavy Mexican Heroine's naked huge firm honey brown breasts...the fourth thug worked another electric vibrator up and down her big hard wet and excited glossy brown clitoris...the other two thugs keeping her pinned to the floor as she wiggled her naked voluptuous and muscular honey brown body on the floor of the chloroform gas-filled frantically and in futility.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Bat Lady loudly in pleasure as she had six gigantic orgasms in a row...six waterfalls of thick white cum flowing out of her big hard wet excited and throbbing glossy brown cunt...forming a thick white lake on the floor between her wide open huge honey brown thighs...while geysers of white milk shot into the air out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped chloroform drugged glossy brown nipples simultaneously.

Satisfied that the Top Heavy Mexican Heroine had been tamed and would give them no further trouble...the four masked thugs stood up...leaving her sprawled out on the floor of the chloroform gas-filled room...her muscular honey brown arms limp past her head...her naked huge firm honey brown breasts heaving slowly up and down...capped at their sexy summits by wide hard glossy brown areolas and big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy brown nipples...that were shiny from the chloroform that had condensed over them and her entire voluptuous and muscular honey brown body...geysers of white milk shooting regularly into the air out of the tips of her hardened nipples...her thick matted glossy black pubic bush soaked...her big hard wet and excited glossy pink clitoris coated in liquid chloroform...her big hard wet and excited glossy pink cunt throbbing as six waterfalls of thick white cum flowed out of it...creating a wide thick lake of her highly erogenous white cum on the floor of the room.

Her eyelids fluttering in the slits of her black bat-eared cowl mask...her eyes glazing with sleep...Bat Lady could do nothing but lie helpless on the floor and look at the blurry images of the thugs who were looking down at her...the gas masks on their faces concealing their identities.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Congratulations boys...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...You got me...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...Didn't give me a chance....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...You know...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...about my weaknesses....
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...in my huge Bat Breasts...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...in my big Bat Clitoris...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...but I've got to warn you...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...it takes more than this...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...to defeat me...Uuuuuuuuuuh
...I promise...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...I will defeat you...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..capture you....and...bring you...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...to justice...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Bat Lady in pleasure as she stared sleepily at the masked thugs who were looking down at her.

But the busty masked heroine had no idea that she was only looking at three of the thugs.

The fourth thug used her distraction to douse her tiny tight black panties with chloroform from a dark brown bottle...and soak it in the six waterfalls of thick white cum that were cascading out of her big hard wet and excited glossy brown cunt.

As she finished her unconvincing heroic speech...Bat Lady was surprised to have her own underwear clamped over her nose and mouth by the thug she did not see.

...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Bat Lady in panic, pleasure and excitement...her eyes wide open in the slits of her black bat-eared cowl mask...as she willingly inhaled the overwhelming aroma of her own cum mixed with chloroform....her naked huge firm honey brown breasts heaving rapidly up and down...geysers of white milk shooting out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy brown nipples...waterfalls of thick white cum flowing freely out of her big hard wet ands excited glossy brown cunt...her muscular honey brown arms limp past her head on the floor....her long muscular honey brown legs spread wide open below her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare honey brown feet resting on the floor on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with short glossy toenails fighting a losing battle to stay close together and curled with tension.

"You talk too much Bat Broad! The Doc says this will clean you clock and shut you up!" sneered the fourth thug as he kept Bat Lady's cum/chloroform soaked tiny tight black panties clamped firmly over her nose and mouth.

"You're right my criminal friend! Somehow you know the scent of my Bat Cum and chloroform can knock me out once my wide Bat Areolas, my big Bat Nipples and my big Bat Clitoris have been aroused....especially by chloroform. Who's this doctor you're talking about? I have no choice but to let you knock me unconscious to find out who this doctor is and why he wants to capture me. See you boys soon. Good night!" thought Bat Lady as she continued to inhale the overwhelming scent of chloroform and her very erogenous cum...from the fabric of her tiny tight black panties which the fourth thug was holding firmly over her nose and mouth.

hhh...hhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhh...hhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhh...hhh...hhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned Bat Lady in pleasure into the cum/chloroform-soaked fabric of her tiny tight black panties that the fourth thug kept clamped over her nose and mouth...her eyes slowly closing in the slits of her black bat-eared cowl mask...her naked voluptuous and muscular honey brown body going limp on the floor....wide spaces appearing between the sexy toes of her erotic bare honey brown feet.. as they rested on the floor on their smooth heels...as she accepted defeat and succumbed to a lengthy spell of unconsciousness.

To be continued

Wed May 22, 2024 3:45 pm
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