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Cat Lady – Dangers of Wild Star 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Cat Lady – Dangers of Wild Star
Cat Lady – Dangers of Wild Star


Wild Star was a world in a part of the universe where various races, half animals and half humans, lived in different regions.

Be it swamps, forests, in the skies, the different animal-human races did not always live in the most harmonious way,

The Cat People of the realm of Felinia were the most developed species in Wild Star. Their capital city of Felion was the most advanced

settlement anywhere on Wild Star. The wealth and resources of the Cat People made them the enemies of several of the other animal-human races on the planet...who had fought many wars with them...but never defeated them.

The Cat People's most bitter enemies were the Lizard People...who ruled the swamp domain of Wild Star.

They had been devastated in their last war with the Cat People years ago...and there was a rare peace in Wild Star at this moment in time.

Swamp realm of the Lizard People

The old Lizard Priestess Lyda had become the leader of the lizard people, using her powers from the Goddess of chaos.

"The time has come to launch a great attack against the Cat People! All that I need is to find the Jewel of Power!!" declared Lyda

"General Slay!! Come forth!!"beckoned the Lizard Priestess...and the general of the Lizard Army entered her temple and bowed before her.

"Take a small group of your warriors General! I want you to search the dark edges of the swamp realm. The spirits tell me that the Jewel of Power is there!! I must have it if we are to conquer the Cat People! It will give the Lizard People powers beyond imagination!! The accursed Cat People will not be able to stand against us!! The Lizard People shall become the dominant race of Wild Star with this power!!" said Lyda.

"Yes Priestess!! I am honoured to lead this mission!!" replied Slay as he stood up and went to assemble his Lizard Warriors to carry out this mission.

Meanwhile in Felinia

Prince Leones...heir to the throne of Felinia...and his childhood friend Sheetah were training together in the courtyard of the Royal Palace.

He was armed with a sword while Sheetah wielded a staff.

The two had been experts in for many years with these weapons...sparring since they were young cubs.

Sheetah was now a bodyguard and advisor to the Prince.

Leones used his superior upper body strength as he attacked Sheetah with his sword while she relied on her speed and agility...to use her staff to block his attacks and counter with strikes to his head and body...which had the Prince of Felinia on the defensive.

"I have you now Leones!" quipped Sheetah as she leapt towards him with her staff poised to strike...after she knocked him off balance with a left foot to his gut.

But just as she was about to hit Leones... Sheetah was distracted when suddenly a vision flashed in front of her eyes...of a flashing red jewel. This was all Leones needed to regain his composure and trip Sheetah with a sweep of his right leg.

"UUUH" moaned Sheetah in pain as she landed hard on the stone courtyard on her back. She fumed as she looked up at Prince Leones who had the tip of his sword aimed at her throat.

"Do you yield?" asked Leones with a grin on his face.

"Yes" grumbled Sheetah as she accepted his right hand in hers and allowed her best friend to help her back on to her feet.

"These fights are getting easier Sheetah. You must be slowing down!" teased Leones.

"Ha. Ha. You were lucky this time Leones" replied Sheetah with a grin at her best friend as they walked back inside of the palace.

They were met by a Cat Soldier.

"Your Highness...Mistress Sheetah...King Claw wishes to see you" said the Cat Soldier.

Leones and Sheetah exchanged perplexed looks before following the soldier back to the throne room where Leones' father King Claw of Felinia was waiting for them.

"My son. Sheetah. I'm glad you are here. Evil times are upon Felinia" said Claw as he sat on his throne.

"What is it Father?" Leones.

"Our agents tell me Lizard Warriors have been venturing into the dark side of the swamp realm...where even they fear to go. This must be the doing of their witch Lyda. They are said to be searching for a powerful weapon. My son, I need you and Sheetah to lead an expedition to the dark side of the swamp realm and investigate what the Lizard People are doing" said the king.

"We will do as you command Father" replied Leones with a bow to the king. Sheetah looked on...feeling warmth in her breasts and between her thighs as she looked at her best friend...who she had growing feelings for.

This did not go unnoticed by the king.

"I know you will succeed my son. Especially with your girlfriend to protect you" quipped Claw.

"My lord...I..." stammered Sheetah feeling a little embarrassed.

"Father! Sheetah and I are friends! We protect each other" replied Leones as he looked at Sheetah and winked his right eye.

Sheetah smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"We will carry out this mission and bring honor to Felinia" said Leones to the king.

"Then go forth my son and may the Goddess Catara protect you" replied Claw with pride as he watched Leones and Sheetah leave the throne room.

Some hours later

Sheetah, Prince Leones and six Cat Soldiers were travelling through the dark regions of the swamp realm in an armed Cat Tank.

Leones ordered the soldier driving the tank to stop.

He ordered 4 Cat Soldiers to accompany him and Sheetah as they searched the swamp for signs of the Lizard People while the other 2 Cat Soldiers remained behind with the tank.

"Even the Lizard People don't come here Leones. Why would they do so now? asked Sheetah as they trudged through the dark realm of the swamp.

"I don't know Sheetah. But the intelligence agents are never wrong. Fortunately we are much better equipped to handle any dangers which exist here." replied Leones as they reached an area with many hills and ravines.

As they searched...the area...Sheetah...using her expert tracking skills alerted Princes Leones and the other Cat Soldiers to something that she discovered.

"Leones look...Tracks...They belong to the Lizard People! said Sheetah to the Princes as she showed him footprints on the muddy ground in front of them.

"We need to follow them...Stay alert" said Leones...as he and Sheetah drew and powered up their laser pistols. The 4 Cat Soldiers similarly powered up their laser rifles as they followed the lizard tracks deeper into the dark region of the swamp.

Sheetah...who had the most acute senses of all of them...could not help but have the growing feeling that their enemies were closing in around them.

The instincts of the female cheetah proved correct as a series of green laser beams illuminated the darkness around them... killing two of the Cat soldiers who were with her and Princes Leones.

"It's an ambush!! For the Honour of Felinia!! Ho!!!" declared Leones as he opened fire with his laser pistol...firing red laser beams in different directions as did Sheetah. The remaining two Cat soldiers also fired their laser rifles...but were soon cut down by green laser beams...as Lizard Warriors emerged from the darkness to attack Sheetah and Prince Leones.

As their laser pistols' charges were exhausted Sheetah and Leones...discarded them for their close-quarter combat weapons.

Twirling her staff rapidly in her hands...Sheetah dealt a series of blows to the heads and guts of Lizard Warriors...charging at her with spears, swords and clubs... sending six Lizard Warriors falling into the mud of the swamp...never to rise again...while incapacitating another four.

Nearby... Leones wielded his sword...hacking down and stabbing another eight Lizard warriors.

It seemed as if despite their overwhelming numbers...the Lizard Warriors were no match for the Prince of Felinia and his loyal bodyguard.

That was until General Slay...standing a long distance away...took aim with a laser rifle and fired.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Sheetah in pain as she took a green laser beam directly in the middle of her shapely bust...knocking her off her feet...sending her falling into a deep ravine...shrouded in fog.

"NO" yelled Leones in shock as he saw his best friend...fall into the ravine and disappear from sight.

His distraction made it easier for the Lizard Warriors to overpower him. It took 10 of them to do that...take away his sword and bring him before General Slay.

"Be more concerned for your own safety Prince! Your companions are all dead! Catching you is a great prize! We will set up camp and keep you prisoner while we search for the Jewel of Power!" snorted the lizard general as Leones was taken away...sad and angry that his best friend Sheetah had been killed and he could not save her.

Sheetah thought she was dead as well.

But that thought changed when she opened her eyes and found herself in a cave...with glowing red jewel hovering in the air above her.

"I was shot by a lizard laser...I fell hundreds of feet off a cliff...I should be dead...How is this possible?" wondered Sheetah allowed as she slowly got to her feet...still feeling sore from the laser blast...but noticing that she had no other serious physical injuries.

"The Jewel of Power is the reason...Hear me Sheetah of Felinia...Hear the voice of Catara...Goddess of the Cat People!!" a female voice said from the glowing red jewel that hovered in the air before the female cheetah.

"Yes my Goddess...I am listening" replied Sheetah as she dropped on one knee before the glowing red jewel that hovered in the air directly in front of her in the darkened interior of the cave that she had fallen into.

"Dark times are upon Wild Star....There is a prophecy of the Cat People...When danger threatens Wild Star...the heroine of Felinia...Cat Lady shall appear...Your bravery...purity of mind...purity of body...have earned you the right to the gifts that I shall bestow upon you...by the Jewel of Power...

You will become the Cat Lady!!" said the voice of Catara.

"Yes my Goddess. I'm humbled and honored to be chosen for this sacred duty" replied Sheetah...who was thinking about her best friend Prince Leones and the danger he could be in...at the hands of the Lizard People.

"You will be granted great powers...underpinned by a great weakness. You will face many challenges... win many victories....experience many defeats...but you must never give up...the fate of Felinia...the fate of Wild Star...depends on it" said the voice of Catara as an aura of red energy surrounded Sheetah...and she felt herself becoming stronger and sexier within the aura.

When the aura faded...she looked into a pool of clear water that was inside the cave...and was amazed at the transformation that she had undergone.

The glowing red jewel of power had turned into a cat's insignia that rested between a part of how huge firm breasts...on her now voluptuous and muscular creamy body. She saw that her Felinian uniform was gone...replaced by a tight strapless orange armored leotard...which highlighted her new enhanced body...gold bracelets on her wrists...her hands were creamy with slender fingers with glossy claw like fingernails...her feet were erotic creamy and bare...with sexy toes with glossy claw like toenails...her former blonde hair was now long wild and golden with black spots...her now light brown eyes looked through the slits of an orange pointy-tipped mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face which concealed her identity within that of the legendary Heroine of Felinia....Cat Lady.

The Top Heavy Feline Heroine felt her enhanced big puffy nipples stiffen sharply under her tight strapless orange armoured leotard. "My big Cat Nipples are sensing evil! They must have located the Lizard People who attacked us!! Leones is their prisoner!! I have to save him!!" resolved Cat Lady.

"Go Cat Lady but you must be careful" said the voice of the Goddess Catara in her head.

Her huge firm breasts framed against her strapless tight orange armoured leotard...her muscular creamy arms and long muscular creamy legs moving in tandem...her long mane of wild golden hair with black spots flailing behind her head...Cat Lady was a blur of motion as she ran out of the cave at super speed...heading towards the camp of the Lizard Warriors in the dark realm of the swamp region.

Covering a great distance within seconds using her super speed... Cat Lady encountered a group of 12 Lizard Warriors who were searching the swamp for the Jewel of Power.

The events of the ambush fresh in her mind...worried about the safety of her friend Prince Leones... the Top Heavy Feline Heroine attacked the 12 Lizard Warriors with a vengeance...effortlessly defeating them with a series of punches and kicks before they could do anything to stop her.

Planting the ball of her erotic right bare creamy foot on the throat of a Lizard Warrior who was semi-conscious.

Cat Lady demanded from him

"Prince Leones!! Where you Lizards taken him??!!" snarled Cat Lady as she demanded the location of the

Lizard Warriors' camp and the whereabouts of Leones...whose name made her feel warmth in her enhanced

areolas and nipples...hardness, wetness and excitement in her enhanced clitoris under her strapless, tight,

orange armoured leotard

"Our camp is that way! You will die Felinian!!" gasped the Lizard Warrior told her what she needed to know.

"That's not going to happen!! There's nothing you Lizards can do to stop me!!" declared the Big Breasted Feline Superwoman applied more pressure through the ball of her erotic right bare creamy foot to the Lizard Warrior's throat until he passed out.

"Now to rescue Leones! These Lizard Warriors are no match for my super powers!" declared Cat Lady as she turned on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet and ran off at super speed into the swamp.

Her arrival at the camp startled the 12 Lizard Warriors who were outside of their tents...as they gazed with rage and lust at her voluptuous and muscular creamy body that was accentuated by her tight, strapless, orange armoured leotard.

General Slay emerged from the biggest tent in the middle of the camp...that was his...to find out what the confusion was all about.

He looked at Cat Lady with the same rage and lust which his Lizard Warriors.

Seeing that she had them aroused by her voluptuous and muscular creamy body...accentuated by her tight,

strapless, orange armoured leotard. ...Cat Lady sought to distract and unnerve them a little more by assuming her heroic pose in

front of them for the first time.

Her creamy hands balled into fists resting on either side of her wide shapely waist...her

erotic bare creamy feet flat on the marshy grounds....her long muscular creamy legs slightly apart...her

huge firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her tight, strapless orange armoured leotard.

"Who are you??!!" hissed General Slay who was both aroused at the sight of the busty cat woman and

angry that any Cat Person would be so bold as to enter a Lizard camp in the way that she did.

"I'm Cat Lady...Heroine of Felinia! I'm here to rescue Prince

Leones!...Free him and surrender!!" declared the Top Heavy Feline Superwoman.

From the tent that Slay had just left...Leones heard the commotion...outside of the tent... from the wooden

post inside that he was tied to.

He looked out of the opening of the tent.

Leones' eyes widened and he felt his penis become stiff and erect under his pants...as he saw Cat Lady...and

was aroused by her beautiful body.

"You will not free the prince!! You will join him as my prisoner!! Get her!!" snarled General Slaw to the 12

Lizard Warriors in the camp.

They opened fire with their laser rifles...green laser beams shooting wildly in all directions.

Leones looked on from inside of the tent...with growing awe and arousal...watching the accentuation of the

muscles of Cat Lady's voluptuous creamy body...as she evaded the laser beams with incredible speed and agility... then pulled out a golden

baton from the gold bracelet on her left wrist...which she used to knock down several of the Lizard Warriors.

General Slay became concerned as he witnessed the speed and strength of the buxom cat woman...and his

warriors' inability to stop her.

The lizard general opened a crate and took out a larger laser cannon. As Cat Lady battled the Lizard Warriors...killing six of them with deft blows

with her golden baton...Slay trained the cross hair of the laser cannon on her.

"Look out!!" warned Leones from the tent he was being held captive in.

He had no idea that Cat Lady had already been warned of the threat posed by General Slay as her big puffy nipples shot to attention under her

tight strapless orange armored leotard.

Twisting her voluptuous and muscular creamy body...the Top Heavy Feline Heroine narrowly escaped the thick green laser beam as it sailed past

her muscular back. But she did not anticipate the associated energy waves with the beam...which knocked her off her erotic bare creamy feet and

she went hurtling back first against a nearby tree.

"UUUUUUH" moaned Cat Lady in pain...stunned briefly by the impact.

General Slay acted quickly...resetting the laser cannon to a less powerful setting... locking the Big Breasted Cat Woman in its cross hair

and firing

again...this time with a weaker but still powerful and continuous laser beam






UUUUUH"moaned Cat Lady loudly in pain and pleasure...her muscular creamy arms raised above her head...her golden baton falling

from her right creamy hand to the ground...her long muscular creamy legs wide apart...rising on the balls of her erotic bare creamy

feet...as General Slay shot her

repeatedly in her huge firm creamy breasts...tearing the upper part of her tight strapless orange armoured leotard...exposing her huge

firm creamy breasts...capped at their sexy summits by wide hard glossy pink areolas and big puffy hard and erect glossy pink

nipples...with smoke coming out of their hardened tips.

General Slay released his finger on the laser cannon's trigger.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Cat Lady as she sagged against the tree...her head bowed between her

exposed huge firm creamy breasts...her light brown eyes barely open in the slits of her pointy-tipped orange mask which covered the

upper part of her

beauteous face...framed by her long mane of wild golden hair with black spots...feeling dizzy and weak...and thinking she was about to

be defeated for the first time as a superheroine as General Slay approached her.

"Bind the cat female's hands and feet!! She must pay for her crimes against the Lizard People!!" declared Slay to four Lizard Warriors.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...pain in my huge Cat Breasts...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my wide Cat Areolas...my big Cat

Nipples...hurt......dizzy...weak...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Cat Lady in pleasure...unable to do

anything to stop the Lizard

Warriors from binding her creamy hands and her erotic bare creamy feet to a long piece of wood...and carrying her away from the

camp...her huge firm creamy breasts on display and swaying freely from side to side...as she hung helplessly from the piece of wood.

But they made the mistake of not completing the knockout of Cat Lady...and not noticing that her wide glossy pink areolas and her big

puffy glossy pink nipples were beginning to relax.

Then a Lizard Warrior looked at the red jewelled cat insignia located between the naked huge firm creamy breasts of the Busty Feline


"General...Is this the jewel we're looking for?" asked the Lizard Warrior.

It was at this moment that Cat Lady flexed her muscular creamy arms and long muscular creamy legs...snapping the ropes binding her to the

piece of wood.

Landing on the ground on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet...the Top Heavy Feline Fury felled the four Lizard Warriors with a

sequence of punches and kicks. Just as she was about to sprint back into the Lizard camp to free Leones...Cat Lady felt her big puffy

glossy pink nipples stiffen sharply alerting her to danger.

"Not so fast cat female! Stop or the Prince dies!! snarled General Slay as he stood with a smaller laser pistol pressed against the left

temple of Prince Leones...whose hands were tied behind his back.

"I've got no choice but to do whatever you command General Slay!" said Cat Lady reluctantly as she relaxed the muscles of her

voluptuous creamy body.

"Yes. Your big breasts have something to do with your strength cat female! Squeeze them and make yourself weak!" commanded

General Slay.

The Big Breasted Feline Superwoman did not hesitate to grab each of her naked huge firm creamy breasts with her creamy hands and

squeeze them as the Lizard general commanded.







SEX...UUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Cat Lady loudly in pleasure...feeling growing hardness and

erectness in her wide glossy pink areolas and big puffy glossy pink nipples as she squeezed her naked huge firm creamy breasts with her

creamy hands...with slender fingers with glossy claw fingernails...and also becoming aroused as she saw Leones' penis stiff and erect

under his pants as he watched her play with herself.

Without giving the Top Heavy Cat Heroine any opportunity to recover...General Slay shot her in the sexy summits of each of her naked

huge firm

creamy breasts with green laser beams from his small laser pistol.


UUUNH" moaned Cat Lady loudly in pain and pleasure...as the laser beams hit her directly in her big puffy hard and erect glossy pink

nipples...stunning her...making her collapse to the ground on her back...her muscular creamy arms and long muscular creamy legs

flailing in the air.

General Slay took aim with his small laser pistol and fired again.




helpless on the ground...her muscular creamy arms limp past her head...her long muscular creamy legs spread wide open below her

wide shapely waist...totally defenceless and helpless as General Slay and the helpless Prince Leones approached her.

Completely at the mercy of General Slay and aroused by the sight of Cat Lady's naked huge firm creamy breasts...capped at their sexy

summits by her wide hard glossy pink areolas and her big puffy pink nipples...Leones couldn't do anything except watch the Top Heavy

Cat Heroine being defeated by the lizard general.

Shoving Leones to the ground...General Slay knelt beside the helpless Cat Lady as she lay sprawled out on the ground before him.

"The Queen asked me to bring this...but I don't know why" sneered Slay as he poured a green cream made with a potent lizard

aphrodisiac into his left hand...and rubbed it all over Cat Lady's naked huge firm creamy breasts.






moaned Cat Lady loudly in pleasure as her light brown eyes rolled up in the slits of her orange pointy-tipped mask on the upper part of

her beauteous face framed by her long mane of wild golden hair with black spots...as Slay rubbed the green cream all over her naked

huge firm creamy breasts...ensuring that copious amounts of it were rubbed into her wide hard glossy pink areolas and her big puffy

hard and erect glossy pink nipples....

General Slay noticed wetness along the fringes of the tired Top Heavy Cat Heroine's tight strapless orange armored leotard between her

wide open huge creamy thighs and he got a clever idea.

"Will our lizard drug have an effect on you clitoris cat female??" asked Slay as he rubbed the green cream all over Cat Lady's naked huge

firm creamy breasts...becoming aroused as he watched the cream cause the heroine's wide glossy pink areolas and her big puffy glossy

pink nipples to harden...geysers of white milk shooting into the air out of their hardened tips.

"You lie!!" snarled General Slay as he slipped his right hand under the sliver of Cat Lady's strapless tight orange armoured leotard

between her wide open huge creamy thighs...combed through her thick matted golden/black spotted pubic bush...located her big glossy

pink clitoris in the middle of her bush...and rubbed the green cream all over it.








moaned Cat Lady loudly in pleasure as General Slay brought her to a gigantic orgasm...a huge waterfall of thick white cum exploding out

of her big hard wet and excite glossy pink cunt...forming a large white lake on the ground between her wide open huge creamy thighs...

to the awe and arousal...of not only General Slay but Prince Leones as well.

The lizard general focused on the red jewelled cat's insignia in the middle of the Big Breasted Feline Superwoman's damaged strapless

orange armoured leotard. "You possess the Jewel of Power! How do I get it out of you?!!" demanded Slay...as he fingered Cat Lady in

her big hard wet and excited glossy pink clitoris...drugging her with more of the green lizard aphrodisiac cream.


...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Cat Lady loudly in pleasure...her head reeling with

dizziness...feeling sleepier with each passing second...as General Slay fingered her in her big hard wet and excited glossy pink clitoris.

"You lie!!" snarled General Slay.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Cat Lady loudly in pain and pleasure as the lizard general

dealt her a hard slap across her naked huge firm creamy breasts...making her feel dizzier...weaker...and sleepier.

He stood up and aimed his laser pistol at Leones' head.

"Tell me how to take the jewel away from you or the Prince will die!!" snarled General Slay.

At that moment...Cat Lady heard the voice of the Goddess Catara in her mind.

"You must never give up Cat Lady...Leones has an important role to play in Felinia's future"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...so weak...so sleepy...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...I've been defeated...on my first mission" moaned Cat Lady in pain


"You will face many defeats...but you must never give up...You must think of Leones...He needs you" said Catara's voice.

Cat Lady realised in that moment...that her golden baton was lying close by.

The Big Breasted Feline Superwoman came up with a bold plan to save Leones and herself.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...Yes...will tell you...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...how to remove...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...the jewel" moaned Cat Lady in

pleasure...arousing and distracting General Slay.

With the power of her mind...Cat Lady caused the golden baton to extend into a golden staff

Grabbing it...she lashed General Slay in his face with the golden staff

"UHHHHHHHHHHH" groaned the lizard general in surprise and pain as he fell backwards from the blow...hit the back of his head on a

stone and passed out.

Cat Lady got to her erotic bare creamy feet with difficulty...feeling dizzy and weak from the effects of the laser blasts and the lizard

aphrodisiac cream. She used her super strength to free Prince Leones from his bonds.

"I need to leave now Prince. I'll contact Felion to send Cat Soldiers here to take you home" said Cat Lady to Leones...who was still

admiring her voluptuous and muscular creamy body that was partially exposed due to the damage to her tight strapless orange

armoured leotard.

As she turned to leave...Cat Lady felt Leones grab her left wrist with his right hand.

"My best friend...Sheetah...she was killed by these Lizards..." said Leones with tears in his eyes.

"No...She's alive...I'll make sure she finds you" replied Cat Lady as she ran off with super speed.

"Despite the super powers granted to me by the Goddess Catara...They're balanced by big weaknesses in my huge Cat Breasts and in my

Cat Clitoris...which my enemies can use to defeat me...but I must never give up" resolved Cat Lady as she reached a safe distance and

changed back to Sheetah.

10 minutes later

Leones was surprised and elated when Sheetah entered the Lizard camp...which was now deserted.

"Sheetah! Thank the Gods you're safe! But how...." said the prince as he hugged his best friend and bodyguard.

"I was saved by a heroine called Cat Lady. She promised to save you from the lizards" replied Sheetah.

She noticed how Leones' eyes lit up and his penis became stiff and erect under his pants at the mere mention of her new sexy, super-powered alter-ego.

"Yes. She did. She was fantastic Sheetah. I've never seen any cat person...so beautiful....brave...and strong. She defeated 20 Lizard Warriors and even defeated the evil Lizard General
Slay...the lizards' most feared warrior. I don't know how I could ever repay her for saving my life" said Leones.

His words made Sheetah feel warmth in her nipples...and warmth and wetness in her clitoris under her uniform...fuelling her secret attraction for the handsome prince of Felinia.

"I'm sure you'll see her again Leones. You'll have a chance to thank her for what she did" replied Sheetah with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

One day later

The Lizard priestess Lyda...who was an old caterpillar walked into a cave in a dark region of the swamp realm on Wild Star.

Their she found a shiny black stone.

"The Jewel of Evil!!" grinned Lyda as she placed it in the middle of her forehead.

A black aura surrounded her body and she began to change.

She became younger...had a shapelier body...horns on her head...wings on her back...and the black stone was located at the top of scepter she wielded.

Lyda returned to the village of the Lizard People...who all bowed in reverence to her new younger and more powerful form.

"I am the Lizard Queen...Herald of the Goddess of Chaos...Heed my orders and we shall conquer the Cat People and usher in a reign of chaos and darkness over Wild Star!!" declared
the Lizard Queen.

General Slay approached the Lizard Queen.

"What are your orders my queen?" asked Slay as he bowed before her.

Lizard Queen used her scepter to create a large black portal.

"Come with me General, We will make plans to conquer Felinia and deal with their new super heroine Cat Lady...should she dare to
oppose us" said Lizard Queen as Slay followed her
into the black portal and they vanished.

To be continued

Mon May 06, 2024 9:11 pm
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