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The Gorilla Woman in Queen Kong and the Lost World 3
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Author:  BC [ Tue May 16, 2023 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  The Gorilla Woman in Queen Kong and the Lost World 3

The Gorilla Woman in Queen Kong and the Lost World 3

Gulf of Guinea
West Africa

"Uhhhh...GORILLA...Uhhhh...GORILLA WOMAN..." moaned teenager JOE KINTE...as he felt someone prodding him.

The last memories the 18-year-old Congolese boy had was flying back from an adventure in Spain...to the Democratic Republic of Congo...with his sexy superheroine girlfriend...in her mystic powered Gorilla Plane...before powerful erotic urges took control of him...making him arouse her in her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts and in her giant glossy black cunt...under her thin tiny tight white gorilla fur G-string...the main weak spots on her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...knocking her unconscious and causing them to crash someplace where he was attacked by topless muscular wild women...and then a naked busty giantess who knocked him out.

Joe was convinced that this had to be a dream...and that Gorilla Woman had found him.

As he opened his eyes...the teenage boy was surprised...awed...and aroused...as he saw it was not the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine who was waking him up. Joe looked up to see an 8ft woman...with a voluptuous and muscular creamy body...who was completely naked...except for steel bracelets on her wrists...and a steel tiara with a glowing green rock in its center.

She had giant firm creamy breasts which were about the same size as Gorilla Woman's...but capped at their sexy summits by expansive shiny pink areolas...and huge puffy shiny pink nipples. She had a long mane of tousled glossy black hair that flowed from the top of her head like a waterfall on to her broad creamy shoulders and to the middle of her muscular creamy back. Between her giant firm thighs...Joe saw the thickest matted glossy black pubic forest he had ever seen.

He watched as she assumed a heroic pose. Her creamy hands with slender fingers with short glossy fingernails on either side of her wide shapely waist...her large erotic bare creamy feet...with sexy toes with short glossy toenails.

"Who is Gorilla Woman??...I am QUEEN KONG!!...You are mine!!" declared the Buxom Brunette Giantess as she looked down at Joe...where he lay on the ground...his hands and feet tied by strands of her thick lush glossy black pubic hair.

"You should let me go!...Gorilla Woman's my superheroine girlfriend!...She'll beat you when she finds me!" said Joe as he struggled to free himself. The Busty She Savage laughed at the teenage boy.

"No one is stronger than Queen Kong!!...I am the strongest...in the LOST WORLD" declared the Top Heavy Titaness.

"The Lost World???" gasped Joe...still awed and aroused by the Buxom Brunette Giantess...feeling like he was betraying Gorilla Woman's trust...while trying to make sense of what was happening...and accept that this was not a dream...but some kind of living nightmare that he and Gorilla Woman had somehow found themselves in.

"Yes strange puny man!...The Lost World brings many into its realm! None escape! Here I am champion! I take what I want! I want you strange puny man!" declared Queen Kong...as she loosened her pubic hair restraints on the teenage boy...believing him to be no threat to her.

But putting his erotic thoughts aside...as Gorilla Woman often told him to do when he joined her on her superheroine adventures...Joe studied the anatomy of the Buxom Brunette Giantess from her head to the sexy toes of her large erotic creamy bare feet...which had short glossy toenails. Remembering his first meeting with Gorilla Woman...as he studied the equally impressive body of the Top Heavy Titaness...and decided to act on a feeling he had

"Sorry cave lady but I already have a girlfriend!" said Joe as he leapt towards Queen Kong...taking the Buxom Brunette Giantess completely by surprise as he grabbed hold of her naked giant firm creamy breasts with his hands...squeezing her huge puffy shiny pink nipples...located in the middle of her expansive shiny pink areolas with his thumbs and index fingers and began to rotate them 360 degrees clockwise as fast as he could...hoping his plan would work before she could use her strength...which appeared to match Gorilla Woman's...against him.

...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen Kong in surprise...rising on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...throwing her head back...flailing her muscular creamy arms in the air...allowing Joe to rapidly squeeze and rotate her huge puffy shiny pink nipples into stone like hardness and erectness for the first time...within a matter of seconds...as she experienced erotic feelings that were unknown to her.

"I don't want to hurt you wild lady!...But you got strengths like Gorilla Woman...so you got to have weaknesses too!...Your huge tits are probably virgin...this'll probably knock you out for a while!" Joe as he kept squeezing and rotating Queen Kong's huge puffy shiny pink nipples as fast as he could...360 degrees clockwise...making the Buxom Brunette Giantess...stagger backwards on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...too startled by his sudden attack and experiencing erotic feelings she did not know she had...and which had placed her at a great disadvantage to the teenage boy.

...CANNOT STAND...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen Kong...her blue eyes rolling up in her head...as Joe's persistent squeezing and rotating of her huge puffy shiny pink nipples caused her to become dizzy...she lost her balance and landed on the hard ground of the strange jungle with a resounding thud which made the ground shake.

Straddling the Top-Heavy Titaness...Joe continued to squeeze and rapidly rotate her huge puffy shiny pink nipples 360 degrees....as she now writhed helplessly under his smaller muscular body...flailing her muscular creamy arms and long muscular creamy legs in increasingly futile attempts to resist him. Despite feeling his dick stiffening under his jeans...Joe disciplined himself to stay focus...knowing that Gorilla Woman was probably searching for him since they crash landed in this unknown place...and he had to find her.

moaned Queen Kong surging powerfully under Joe...as he for--d her to lactate suddenly for the first time...massive geysers of white milk shooting out from the tips of her huge puffy shiny pink hard erect and bullet-shaped nipples.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Queen Kong submissively and in pleasure...staring with sleepy blue eyes at close...as they slowly closed...her head...pillowed by her long mane of tousled glossy black hair...her muscular creamy arms limp past her head...her long muscular creamy legs spread wide open below her wide shapely waist...her large erotic bare creamy feet resting on the ground on their smooth heels...wide spaces appearing between her sexy toes with short glossy toenails...as she experienced defeat for the first time in the Lost World...and succumbed to unconsciousness.

Getting up off the beaten Buxom Brunette Giantess...leaving her unconscious and helpless on the ground...Joe ran off into the jungle...trying to put as much distance between her and him as he could... as he searched for his secret superheroine girlfriend. "Where are you Gorilla Woman??" thought the teenage boy as he ran in no particular direction through the strange jungle.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn...nnnnnnnnnnnnn...nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" cooed Gorilla Woman with pleasure...trapped in a cluster of thick green bushes in another part of the strange jungle...her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body was fixed in the form of a human 'x'...her muscular dark ebony arms raised above her head and spread wide open...bound by thick branches of the bushes...her thick muscular dark ebony legs spread wide open below her thick shapely waist...bound by thick branches of the bushes...her large erotic bare dark ebony feet inches off the ground...wide spaces between her sexy toes with short glossy clear toenails...as they pointed down to the ground in defeat...her brown eyes tightly closed...her head sagging on her broad right dark ebony shoulder...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts rising and falling slowly with each deep relaxed breath...capped at their sexy summits by broad hard glossy black areolas and big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy black nipples... she took deep breaths into the thick giant white Wish Flower that was covering her nose and mouth...breathing its overwhelming fragrance...kept unconscious for the last 12 hours...dreaming erotic thoughts of Joe giving her pleasure in her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts the way she liked it...but also about the ways criminals abused her in her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts to knock her unconscious and capture her.

As she lay trapped in this powerful stupor of sex and sleep...the Big Breasted Black Giantess felt her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy black nipples stiffen further.

Then she heard the sound of tribal drums from 16th Century West Africa beating in her mind...and then the voice of the Great Gorilla God who gave her super powers.

"Awaken Gorilla Woman!!...You have been tricked by the magic of the Wish Flower!!...Your mate has not enslaved you to his power...He is in danger!!...You must get free and save him...before you fall under the spell of the Wish Flower...as it drains your strength and puts you into an eternal sleep of pleasure"

...must...get...Uuuuh..free..." moaned Gorilla Woman with pleasure into the giant white Wish Flower covering her nose and mouth.

Focusing her thoughts...the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine caused a white aura to spread from the Gorilla Talisman...that hung round her neck and rested between her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts...to surround her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body.

She felt the strength...stamina...and speed of 40 gorillas flowing through her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...as her big puffy glossy black nipples...broad glossy black areolas and giant glossy black clitoris relaxed.

Flexing her muscular dark ebony arms and her thick muscular dark ebony legs...Gorilla Woman broke free of the Wish Flower and the thick green bushes that had captured her.

The flower and bushes turned to dust at the large erotic bare dark brown feet of the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine.

"I can't believe I was knocked out by a flower and bushes. What kind of place is this? It has some strange effect on my Gorilla Powers. It's easier for me to be weakened and knocked unconscious. I can't think about that now. I have to find Joe and get us out of here in the Gorilla Plane!" resolved the Big Breasted Black Giantess as she turned on the balls of her large erotic bare dark ebony feet...and ran away into the strange jungle...her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs moving in tandem...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts swaying sexily...using the tingling sensations in her big puffy glossy black nipples to lead her to her teenage boyfriend Joe Kinte.

In another part of the strange jungle...Joe ran aimlessly through the dense vegetation.

"Gorilla Woman!!...Gorilla Woman!!" yelled the teenage boy as he searched for his superheroine girlfriend...while trying to get as far away from Queen Kong who he left unconscious in another part of the jungle.

"What is this place??...This is something out of a bad sci-fi movie...I got to find Gorilla Woman" thought Joe as he kept running.

He had no idea that his cries had attracted the attention of other inhabitants of the strange jungle that he and the Big Breasted Black Giantess had found themselves in. As he ran...the teenage boy was suddenly snared in a thick net made of strong green vines.

"Hey!!...What?!!...Gorilla Woman!!...Gorilla Woman!!...Help!!...Help!!" cried Joe as he felt to the ground...his arms and legs flailing wildly...only getting himself more entangled in the thick green vine net.

As he struggled...Joe saw a group of eight wild men...wearing brown loin clothes...with long hair...muscular bodies...bad teeth...armed with wooden clubs and stone-tipped wooden spears...emerge from the surrounding vegetation. The teenage boy was afraid when he saw the crazy stare in their eyes and the drool dripping down the sides of their mouths.

"Gorilla Woman!! Gorilla Woman!! Help!! Help!!" cried Joe as the wild men converged on him.

But just as before...his cries caught the attention of Queen Kong...who alighted on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet on the ground amidst the wild men. "Back wild men or face the anger of Queen Kong!!" declared the Top Heavy Titaness as she glared at them with her blue eyes... showing off her naked voluptuous and muscular creamy body to them... steel bracelets on her wrists...a steel tiara with a glowing green rock in its center...on her head...her long mane of tousled glossy black hair flowing from the top of her head like a waterfall on to her broad creamy shoulders and to the middle of her muscular creamy back.

Between her giant firm thighs...Joe though scared for his life...was still aroused as he watched her thickest matted glossy black pubic forest between her huge creamy...and her giant firm creamy breasts which were about the same size as Gorilla Woman's...but capped at their sexy summits by wide shiny pink areolas...and big puffy shiny pink nipples...as she assumed a fighting stance

Uttering savage snarls...the wild men turned their attention towards the Buxom Brunette Giantess...and charged at her.

Queen Kong exploded into action...felling one club-wielding wild man with a right creamy fist to the jaw. Rising on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet... she hurled another over her left broad creamy shoulder... through the air...and against a nearby tree.

But unlike the battle he witnessed between the Sexy Savage Superwoman and the three topless muscular wild women who had tried to capture him before...the group of wild men showed they were more difficult opponents.

As she turned around...three of them used their stone-tipped wooden spears to great effect on their stronger and bustier enemy.

...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen Kong staggering backwards on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...flailing her muscular creamy arms...as three wild men stabbed her in naked giant firm creamy breasts with their stone-tipped wooden spears.

Lying on the ground...entangled in the net...Joe was awed and aroused...as he watched the wild men turning the tables on the Sexy Savage Superwoman...who was trying to recapture him for herself. "This wild lady's some kind of prehistoric superheroine...and she's got the same weaknesses like Gorilla Woman" thought the teenage boy.

Joe watched as three more wild men joined the battle...but aimed their stone-tipped wooden spears in a different place.

moaned Queen Kong...her blue eyes rolling up in her head...raising her muscular creamy arms above her head...rising on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...spreading her long muscular creamy legs wide open as the wild men stabbed her in her naked giant firm creamy breasts and stabbing her in the dense matted glossy black pubic jungle...in the space between her giant creamy thighs...keeping her dizzy and disoriented as the other two wild men came up behind her with their thick wooden clubs.

"Look out!!" warned Joe...shaking off his feelings of fear...awe...and erotic arousal briefly...in an attempt to alert the Buxom Brunette Giantess. But his warning came too later as the two wild men brought their thick wooden clubs crashing down on the back of Queen Kong's neck and head...while the other six wild men kept her dizzy...disoriented and and distracted by stabbing her in her naked giant firm creamy breasts and between her wide open giant firm creamy thighs...with their stone-tipped spears.

"AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen Kong in pain...as she lost her balance and collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud...landing on her back...her muscular creamy arms and legs flailing in the air.

Tossing their weapons to the ground...driven by rage...envy...and lust...the eight wild men pounced atop the Sexy Savage Superwoman...trying to subdue her...grabbing her in different parts of her naked voluptuous and muscular creamy body.

...AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen Kong...her blue eyes barely opened as the wild men took turns groping her in his naked giant firm creamy breasts...squeezing her huge puffy shiny pink nipples and rubbing her huge shiny pink areolas...causing geysers of white mile to shoot into the air...from the tips of her huge virgin nipples...and rubbed her giant shiny pink clitoris...located in the middle of her dense matted glossy black pubic jungle between her giant creamy thighs...the struggles of her voluptuous and muscular creamy body...getting slower and slower.

Distracted by their efforts to subdue the mighty Queen Kong...the wild men had forgotten about Joe...allowing the teenage boy to finally get out of the vine net they had caught him in. Joe was about to run away but as he watched Queen Kong on the verge of her first ever defeat...he felt as if he was watching his superheroine girlfriend Gorilla Woman in peril and on the verge of being knocked unconscious...as frequently happened when she came to rescue him.

Without a second though...Joe charged forward...leapt towards the nearest wild man... shoving him him forward into the other seven...causing them to release their hold on Queen Kong...seconds before the Buxom Brunette Giantess was about to pass out. The teenage boy's timely intervention was what Queen Kong needed to regain her senses...summon the mystic energy from the glowing green stone in the steel tiara on her head... to get her huge puffy shiny pink nipples...huge shiny pink areolas...and giant shiny pink clitoris...located in the middle of her dense matted glossy black pubic jungle to relax...to regain her super strength.

"My Kong Strength returns!!...Wild men...Feel the fury of Queen Kong!!" declared the Buxom Brunette Giantess as she leapt to her large erotic bare creamy feet...and made light work of the eight wild men....with a rapid flurry of punches and kicks...leaving them all sprawled out and unconscious on the ground...before turning to Joe...who was standing in awe and arousal of her...instead of running away as he should have.

"I like when you make me sleep. I will keep you" quipped Queen Kong as she extended her long right muscular creamy leg...and planted the ball of her large right erotic bare creamy foot into the middle of the teenage boy's face again.

"UHHHH" groaned Joe as he collapsed to the ground unconscious again.

Squatting beside him on the ground on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...her naked giant firm creamy breasts bunching together... Queen Kong removed more strands of her glossy black pubic hair from between her giant creamy thighs...using them to tie Joe's hands behind his back and his feet together.

The Sexy Savage Superwoman slung the unconscious teenage boy over her broad right creamy shoulder and walked off into the dense undergrowth of the strange jungle.

In another part of the same jungle...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts swaying sexily...her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs moving in tandem...her short thick mane of glossy black dreadlocks flailing in the air behind her head...Gorilla Woman sprinted with the speed of 40 gorillas....using the tingling sensations in her big puffy glossy black nipples to track her teenage boyfriend Joe...who just like her...was lost in this strange place.

"My big Gorilla Nipples are tingling...They're telling me that Joe's in danger...I have to save him and get us out of this place. I don't understand where we are and how we came here. Under different circumstances...it may have been a good story to write about" thought the Big Breasted Black Giantess who in regular life was 25-year-old Daily Congo investigative journalist AKULA MUTOMBO.

It amused and aroused her that Joe...who worked with her as a photographer at the leading newspaper in the Democratic Republic of Congo...had absolutely no clue that the ordinary looking...drab attired...Akula...with her big rimmed glasses...dull shoulder length black hair...and slender body...was actually the beauteous Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...who was his secret girlfriend.

"There's something which isn't normal about this place...my strength...stamina...and speed of 40 gorillas...don't seem to function as they normally do...This place had something to do with Joe surprising me in the cockpit of the Gorilla Plane...and groping me in my giant Gorilla Breasts and my giant Gorilla Cunt...the way I like him to...to knock me unconscious and cause us to crash land in this place...while I was flying us back to the Democratic Republic of Congo from Spain" thought the Big Breasted Black Giantess as she continued running through the dense undergrowth of the strange jungle.

"Could this be some new trap that the Contessa and the Count have used to capture me? Those two villains love to knock me unconscious...capture and erotically torture me every chance they get. I have to admit that part of me finds it fun to be in these predicaments...knowing that I always regain my strength...stamina...and speed of 40 gorillas in time to thwart their evil schemes. Their plan to capture Joe and use him to knock me out and enslave me was brilliant" thought Gorilla Woman...reflecting on her recent adventure in Spain...as she continued running through the strange jungle.

"But this predicament that Joe and I are in....it seems beyond the capabilities of them...or any of the regular criminals I face back home in the Democratic Republic of Congo..." thought the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine as she continued running through the dense undergrowth of the strange jungle.

She felt her big puffy glossy black nipples stiffen sharply...as she ran. Out of the corner of her left eye...she saw something shiny ahead of her through the dense vegetation. "Whatever is there is attracting the attention of my big Gorilla Nipples...I must investigate it...It may lead me to wherever Joe is" thought the Big Breasted Black Giantess as she ran in the direction of the shiny object that she spotted...quickening her pace.

Gorilla Woman's brown eyes widened and a gasp escaped her mouth from between her glossy red lips...as she discovered she was running through a graveyard of crashed airplanes...large and small....their metal remnants showing that some of the wrecked aircraft were decades old.

"These planes...Some of them date back as far as the 1940's...How did they end up here?...What happened to the pilots?...What happened to the passengers?...In my regular identity as Akula Mutombo...I don't remember reading anything about any of these missing flights in the Daily Congo or any other newspaper back in the Democratic Republic of Congo...This may be a story for me to investigate...but I have to find Joe first... Hopefully the Great Gorilla God will restore power to the Gorilla Plane so we can leave this place...and not experience whatever happened to the missing occupants of these planes" thought the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine as she continued running through the graveyard of wrecked airplanes...many of which were covered by thick green bushes and thick green vines.

As she pondered thoughts about finding Joe...and the mysterious place that they had found themselves in...Gorilla Woman felt her big puffy glossy black nipples stiffen sharply. Turning her head to the left...the her short mane of glossy black dreadlocks flailing in the air as she did...the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine saw the image of a tall female figure moving quickly amongst the nearby trees. Her brown eyes widened and her glossy red lips parted in surprise...as she recognised the figure of her teenage boyfriend Joe Kinte...bound and unconscious...slung over her broad right shoulder.

"You!! Stop!! Joe!! I'm coming!!" cried Gorilla Woman...as she turned on the balls of her large erotic bare dark ebony feet...and ran with the speed of 40 gorillas after the unknown woman who had Joe as her prisoner.

Queen Kong stopped and turned in the direction of Gorilla Woman's voice. She was baffled...but also aroused to see the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine charging towards her at super speed through the dense vegetation...the muscles on her 8ft voluptuous dark ebony body accentuated.

Realising that the strange Big Breasted Black Giantess...who was like no one she had ever seen in the Lost World...
and realising that she wanted Joe...Queen Kong quickened her pace and ran at super speed through the dense vegetation of the jungle.

"Whoever you are...You're fast but you can't outtrun me!!...With my speed of 40 gorillas I'll soon catch you!!...You'll face my wrath if you've hurt Joe!!" cried Gorilla Woman as she pursued Queen Kong...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts swaying freely and sexily...her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs moving in tandem...as she closed the gap between the Buxom Brunette Giantess and herself.

Flexing her giant dark ebony thighs...she leapt towards Queen Kong...grabbing her around her toned creamy abdomen. "AUUUUUUH" groaned the Sexy Savage Superwoman...as she lost her balance...the unconscious Joe Kinte falling out of her grip on to the ground...as she and Gorilla Woman went rolling down a smooth slope...their muscular arms and muscular legs flailing as they struggled with one another.

As they reached the bottom of the slope...Gorilla Woman and Queen Kong got to their erotic bare feet and stared at each other.

Both women felt strangely aroused in their naked giant firm breasts and thei giant cunts...as they studied each other's voluptuous and muscular bodies.

Gorilla Woman...angry at Queen Kong...for kidnapping Joe... leapt with fury towards Queen Kong...her left dark ebony fist connecting with Queen Kong's jaw.

"AUUUUUH" groaned Queen Kong...surprised by the speed of the Big Breasted Black Giantess...
staggering backwards on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...dazed by the blow.

"Whoever you are....You're not taking Joe anywhere!!...You hurt him and I'm going to make you pay for that!!" quipped Gorilla Woman as she leapt at Queen Kong again...driving the ball of her large left erotic bare dark ebony foot into Queen Kong's ripped creamy abdomen.

"AUUUUUUUF" groaned Queen Kong as she staggered backwards on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet...her head reeling with dizziness from the force of the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine's attack.

Remembering the utterances of her teenage captive...Queen Kong glared at the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine as she realised who she was.

"You...Gorilla Woman...Little man call your name!...He not yours!!...He belong to Queen Kong!! No one take what belong to Queen Kong!!" declared the Buxom Brunette Giantess...as she assumed a fighting stance...her muscular creamy arms raised...her long muscular creamy legs spread slightly apart.

Her words further enraged the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine.

"You can't have Joe!!...He's mine!!...You're no match for me!!...I'm going to defeat you and leave this weird place with him!!...There's nothing you can do to stop me!!" declared Gorilla Woman as she leapt towards Queen Kong.

Moving her muscular creamy arms in front of her...the Buxom Brunette Giantess blocked several punches and kicks from the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...as she slowly retreated towards the edge of the slope that they were fighting on.

As they fought...Gorilla Woman could not help but be awed and aroused by her busty female opponent...whose strength seemed to match her own. But those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind...her feelings for Joe and anger at seeing him tied up and unconscious...a prisoner of the Buxom Brunette Giantess...driving her actions.

"You're strong lady!!...But I've got the strength...stamina...and speed...of 40 gorillas!!...It's only a matter of time before I defeat you and escape from this place with Joe on my Gorilla Plane!!" declared the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine as she continued to hurl punches and kicks at Queen Kong...who continued to retreat along the slope...but did not pay any attention to the fact that Queen Kong was not fighting back.

Knowing the terrain of the Lost World...and determined to keep Joe for herself...Queen Kong remained on the defensive...biding her time.

She allowed Gorilla Woman to continue to vent her growing fury...lashing out with her gleaming dark ebony fists and her erotic bare gleaming dark ebony feet...blocking each blow of the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine with her muscular creamy arms.

"Enough fooling around!! I'm going to rescue Joe from you and take him away from this place!!" declared Gorilla Woman as she charged towards Queen Kong. But as she stepped forward...the ball of Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine's left bare erotic dark ebony foot made contact with some smooth stones on the ground between her and the Buxom Brunette Giantess.

"Eh?!!...I'm losing my balance!!...I can't stand up!!" cried Gorilla Woman...her muscular dark ebony arms flailing in the air...leaving her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts exposed.

"No one takes what belongs to Queen Kong!!" declared the Buxom Brunette Giantess as she raised her long left creamy muscular left leg...and drove the ball of her large left erotic bare creamy foot into the middle of the naked giant firm dark ebony breasts of the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine with all her might.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Gorilla Woman in absolute agony...her head spinning with immediate dizziness...her broad glossy black areolas and big puffy glossy black nipples...becoming hard and erect within less than two seconds...as the force of Queen Kong's kick sent her hurtling off the slope they were fighting on...plummeting helplessly and rapidly...her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs flailing wildly and in futility...disappearing into a thick cluster of green trees located in the valley at the bottom of the hill they were on.

"Trees will take care of you Gorilla Woman!!...Your little man is mine!!" declared Queen Kong as she began to climb up the slope of the hill...back to where Joe lay bound and unconscious...unaware of the new peril that his superheroine girlfriend was literally falling into.

Within seconds of falling within the dense network of branches of the thick cluster of green trees around her...Gorilla Woman was seized by thousands of thick strong vines...which quickly wrapped around every inch of her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body. "Eh...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...WHAT NOW...UUUUUUUUH...
...TO FREE MYSELF...UUUUUUUUUUUUH...GOT TO SAVE JOE...UUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...flexing her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs as she writhed furiously within the growing mass of vines that were trying to bind her.

As if in response to her words and efforts to get free...the mutant vines from the thick cluster of green trees around her...intensifying their efforts to bind and tame her...as they continued to wrap...tighten and rub against specific parts of her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body.

...CONGO...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Gorilla Woman as she writhed furiously and frantically within the mass of thick green mutant vines...that were wrapping around her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...holding her in mid-air...100 feet above the floor of the valley below her.

As the Big Breasted Black Giantess flexed her muscular dark ebony arms and thick muscular dark ebony legs as she writhed frantically and furiously within the growing mass of thick mutant green vines that were wrapping around her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...100 feet in the air above the floor of the valley below her...struggling to stay conscious as some of the vines rubbed her repeatedly across her broad glossy black areolas and big puffy glossy black nipples...already aroused by her erotic thoughts about her teenage boyfriend...aroused from her brief battle with mysterious Queen Kong who had captured him...some of the vines slipped down across her ripped dark ebony abdomen...and under her thin tiny tight white gorilla fur G-string...in the front between her giant dark ebony thighs...and in the back...into the space where it slipped between the crack between the cheeks of her giant firm dark ebony ass.

...MUST SAVE JOE...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Gorilla Woman...the muscles of her voluptuous dark ebony body wiggling frantically within the growing mass of thick green mutant vines...binding her 100 feet in mid-air...rubbing against her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts...brushing her in her giant glossy black clitoris...and in her giant glossy black anus...under her thin tiny tight white gorilla fur G-string.

UUUUUUH...SAVE...UUUUUUH...JOE...UUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Gorilla Woman as she continued to struggle within the mass of thick green mutant vines which were binding her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...some of them abusing her in her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts...her giant glossy black clitoris...and in her giant glossy black anus...making her temples throb with growing dizziness...her eyelids becoming heavy...her brown eyes glazing with sleep...as the vines' expert erotic exploitation of her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts...broad glossy black areolas...big puffy glossy black nipples...giant glossy black clitoris...and giant glossy black anus...combined with erotic thoughts she had about her teenage boyfriend...to make her become dizzier...weaker...sexier and sleepier...with each passing second...as she felt growing pressure inside of her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts and inside her giant glossy black cunt...under her thin tight white gorilla fur G-string...which barely covered the space between her giant firm dark ebony thighs...and slipped into the crack between the cheeks of her giant firm dark ebony ass...as her struggles became slower and slower in the growing mass of thick mutant green vines...binding her 100 feet in mid-air...above the floor...in this mysterious land which she and Joe had become trapped in.

The growing urge to lactate and orgasm threatening to knock her out...as the vines rubbed her broad glossy black areolas and big puffy glossy black nipples into hardness and erectness...the vines rubbed her in her giant glossy black clitoris...and in her glossy giant black anus...under her thin tight white gorilla fur G-string...the Big Breasted Black Giantess thought about her teenage boyfriend Joe...who was the captive of the mysterious Queen Kong...and it made her angry.

"UUUUUUUUUUUH...NO TIME TO SLEEP...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...HAVE TO SAVE JOE...UUUUUUUUUUH...MUST...GET FREE" declared Gorilla Woman...the muscles of her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body accentuated....flexing her dark ebony arms and her thick dark ebony legs...causing the mass of thick mutant green vines which were binding her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony to disintegrate...causing her to break free of them.

But the force of her almighty effort to free herself...caused the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine plummet rapidly 100 feet towards the floor of the valley beneath her. She was unable to do anything as she slammed at great speed into the solid rock floor of the valley...amongst the towering green trees...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts absorbing the full brunt of her impact.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Gorilla Woman as she rolled over on her back...her muscular dark ebony arms falling limp past her head...her thick muscular dark ebony legs spreading wide open below her thick shapely waist...moving back and forth...the sexy toes of her large erotic bare dark ebony feet...with short glossy clear toenails straining to stay curled with tension and close together.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...My giant Gorilla Breasts...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...hurt...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...My big Gorilla Nipples...
My broad Gorilla Areolas...are so...haaaa...haaaa...haaaaaaaaaaard...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Great...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Gorilla...Uuuuuuuuuuuh
...God...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...You have to...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...help me...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...regain...my strength...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...stamina...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...speed...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...of...40...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..G...G...G...Gorillas...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...have to...Uuh
...save...J...J...Joe..." moaned the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...her head pillowed by her short thick mane of glossy black dreadlocks...
rolling from side to side...her eyelids fluttering...as she struggled to stay conscious and clear her head...to make her broad glossy black areolas and big puffy glossy black nipples relax...so she could regain her strength...stamina and speed of 40 gorillas...rescue Joe from Queen Kong and help them escape from this strange place they were trapped in.

Preoccupied with erotic thoughts about Joe and saving him from Queen Kong...the Big Breasted Black Giantess was unaware of the fact that she was not alone in the valley she had landed in...and was punished for her complacency...by the Great Gorilla God...from whom she gained her super powers.

Five wild men...who had heard her land in the valley...attracted by the sounds of her erotic moans...located the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine and took advantage of her complacency.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Gorilla Woman in pleasure...as two wild men knelt down on either side of her...and rapidly rubbed a pair of yellow stones over her broad hard glossy black areolas and her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy black nipples...coating them with thick layers of yellow sulphury dust...drugging them in seconds...making it impossible for her to lactate.

While two other wild men...held on to her large erotic bare dark ebony feet...keeping her thick muscular dark ebony legs wide open....the fifth wild man...yanked down the thin tiny tight white gorilla fur G-string of the Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...and rapidly rubbed another yellow stone...all over the space between her giant dark ebony thighs...coating her thick matted glossy black pubic jungle...and her giant hard wet and excited glossy black clitoris...with more yellow sulphury dust.

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Gorilla Woman in pleasure as she was brought to six gigantic fake orgasms in quick succession...the yellow sulphury dust from the stones being rubbed on her broad hard glossy black areolas and big puffy hard erect and bullet shaped glossy black nipples...coating them...keeping them aroused and preventing her from lactating...her thick matted glossy black pubic jungle between her wide open giant dark ebony thighs...and her giant hard wet and excited glossy black clitoris located in the middle of her famous thick matted glossy black pubic jungle...covered with more yellow sulphury dust coating them...preventing her from having a natural orgasm...that would help her regain the super powers granted to her through the Gorilla Talisman hanging around her neck and resting in the space between her naked firm giant dark ebony breasts.

Her head pillowed by her short thick mane of glossy black dreadlocks...rolling from side to side...her temples throbbing with dizziness...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts rising and falling slower and slower...as her breathing became more labored...yellow sulphury dust coating her broad glossy black areolas and her big puffy glossy black nipples...keeping them trapped in unprecedented states of hardness and erectness...denying her the opportunity to lactate...her muscular dark ebony arms limp on the ground...extended past her head...her thick muscular dark ebony legs spread wide open below her thick shapely waist...layers of yellow sulphury dust coating her thick matted glossy black pubic jungle....and her giant hard wet and excited glossy black clitoris...clogging her giant hard wet and camel toe-shaped glossy black cunt...keeping her super erogenous cum trapped inside of her throbbing and aching sex...the tired Topless Top Heavy Congolese Superheroine...could do nothing but stare sleepily at the blurry faces of the five wild men who were standing over her.

...What....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...kind...of...place...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...have Joe and I...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...become...trapped in??...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...No rules here...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...like in...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...the Democratic...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Republic...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...of...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Congo...Uuuuuuuuh
...strange plants...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...strange people...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...exploiting me...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...in my giant...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Gorilla...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Breasts...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...in my...giant...Uuuuuh
...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Gorilla....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Cunt...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...My big...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Gorilla...Uuuuuh
...Uuh...Uuh...drugged...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...not getting...to recover...They...are...so...haaaaa...haaaaa...haaaaaa...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
...Uuuuuuh...can't lactate...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my giant...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Gorilla...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Clitoris...is so...Uuuuuuuuuuuuh
...can't...orgasm...Uuuuuuuuuuuh...naturally...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my Gorilla Cum...Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...trapped...inside...my giant...Uuuuuuuuuuh
...Joe...have to save him...have to...Uuuuh...have to...Uuuuuh...have to...Uuh....Uuuh...Uuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"
moaned Gorilla Woman as she suffered another gigantic fake orgasm...which ended her futile resistance...her brown eyes slowly closing...as her head head rolled against her broad right dark ebony shoulder...her muscular dark ebony arms flung limp on the ground past her head...her naked giant firm dark ebony breasts rising and falling slowly...her thick muscular legs spread wide open and limp below her thick shapely waist...her large erotic bare dark ebony feet resting on their smooth heels on the hard ground beneath her voluptuous and muscular dark ebony body...wide spaces appearing between her sexy toes with short glossy clear toenails...as erotic thoughts about her teenage boyfriend Joe Kinte filled her foggy brain again...and she succumbed to another lengthy period of unconsciousness.

To be continued.

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