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Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 3
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Author:  BC [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 3

Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 3

Hanna..the elderly headmistress of a place for young boys orphaned on the streets of Baghdad smiled with satisfaction as she gazed upon the topless and unconscious body of Shazzan..Heroine of Arabia..who had been easily deceived by her feminine charm...lulled into complacency and easily captured by her young charges. against who she could not offer any resistance. In her quest to find the mastermind behind the attacks of armed brigands against the merchant caravans that traded with the Kingdom of Arabia...Shazzan had decided to pay a visit to Hanna who ran a special sanctuary for orphan boys..which was aided in part by the Sultan...believing that her enemies might be using Hanna's charges to pursue their nefarious agenda.

What Shazzan..who was secretly Jadra...Crown Princess of Arabia..daughter of the Great Sultan..was completely unaware of..was that the kindly, elderly Hanna was in fact in league with the very foe she was attempting to stop. At that moment...the Arabian princess was unaware of anything..as her large virgin breasts were exposed to the eyes of young boys who on Hanna's instructions had used soft bristled brushes all over Jadra's fabulous chest..which was covered with a special powder..working it into the large tender dark brown nipples of the Princess of Arabia...lulling her into unconsciousness..in her alter-ego of Shazzan...Heroine of Arabia.

"Carry her inside and bind her hands and feet ...I will be wanting to speak more with our guest some more" instructed Hanna to the three boys who had brushed the large breasts of the beauteous Arabian superwoman until she fell asleep.One boy grabbed Shazzan by her right wrist..a second boy grabbed her by her left wrist..while the third boy held her by her ankles. The Arabian superwoman's head lolled backawards..her thick mane of short black hair lightly touching the ground as the boys carried her inside of the building..to a special room as instructed by Hanna. Laying her on her back a bed...they used ropes to bind her wrists to the top of the bed..and ropes to bind her ankles to the bottom of the bed.

"Uhhhh..Uhhhh.." sighed Shazzan..her large naked breasts..rising and falling slowly..her muscular arms and legs tugging weakly at her bonds as Hanna sat beside her. Realising that the Heroine of Arabia was starting to awaken from her slumber...the elderly woman was not about to let her young captive regain her full powers and exact retribution for her capture. Placing her wrinkled coarse hands atop the large smooth brown breasts of her prisoner..Hanna started to rub these massive mounds in a slow circular motion. "Moons...offf...Muuhaamad...What manner of treachery...My breasts are being rubbed...Oooooooo...I...I..feel myself weakening...I am becoming..very..very..tired...cannot resist..." admitted Shazzan as Headmistress Hanna rubbed her big breasts..round..and round.

Despite her fabled strength of 20 men..and expert warrior fighting skills...the beauteous Arabian superwoman was naive to the ways of men...which gave Hanna a very significant advantage over her young prisoner..and she took full opportunity of that to keep her young foe subdued and make it increasingly difficult for her to offer any resistance. Hanna's wrinkled fingers deftly stroked the thick dark brown areolas of Princess Jadra..slowly and circularly..and the old crone was happy to see the thick dark brown nipples of the Princess..respond by thickening into spires which rivalled those atop the highest towers of the Royal Palace in Baghdad.

"Do not resist Shazzan...You overestimate your powers and are overconfident in your abilities...I shall humble you now...Teach you your place foolish girl...Your nipples are big...virgin..untouched by man...They grow hard as I touch them now...You are becoming tired...too tired to stay awake...too tired to think...Your only desire...is to sleep...Sleep...Sleep...Sleep" chanted Hanna as she stroked the helpless heroine's hardening nipples and areolas with impunity.

"Oooooooo...Yes....I must submit to you Headmistress Hanna...My nipples paying attention to the lesson you are teaching them...the lesson that you are teaching me...You are right...Ooooooo...Tired...I am so tired...Fallen into your clever trap...Cannot resist...You make me very tired...I only wish to sleep...I am defeated...Why are you doing this??" sighed Shazzan as she stared sleepily at her captor...her dark brown nipples hardening at an alarming rate as Hanna stroked her areolas.

"Silence wench...Know your place!" quipped Hanna as she gave the Arabian superwoman a sharp pinch in each of her hardening dark brown nipples with her wrinkled coarse fingers. "Uaahh!!..You hurt my nipples...Uhhh..That makes me so tired...Uhhh...No choice...must obey you..Uhhh" sighed Shazzan in a sleepy and submissive voice. "Good..I wish to know the secrets of your mighty powers...How is it that you can be tamed...made weak, tired..and helpless.." said Hanna as her fingers stroked the hardening dark brown areolas of the helpless heroine..making her dark brown nipples..at their centre..become thick and hard..rising like the spires of twin towers. "Unhhh..Will not tell you..secrets of my powers...with this knowledge...anyone can best me..." sighed the Princess of Arabia as she tried to clear her head of the feelings of erotic bliss that threatened to overwhelm her.

However the naive young heroine...underestimated the experience and craftiness of her older captor. Hanna took a what seemed to be an ordinary piece of paper and rubbed it over each of Jadra's thick dark brown nipples ..slowly..up and down. "Ahahh!!..My nipples..Pain!!..So much pain!!..Aaaarh!!!..Aaaarhh!!!..Aaaaaarrrh!!!" moaned Shazzan as the paper was rubbed all over every inch of her beautiful nipples..making a rasping sound as it did so. "You can do nothing foolish girl...Except sleep...Sleep and obey!!" declared Hanna as she rubbed her piece of sandpaper all over the throbbing dark brown nipples of the helpless Arabian superwoman..whittling away her resistance..with each stroke. "Yes....I grow tired...Moons of Muuuhaamadd...a mere piece of paper...subdues my nipples...brings fatigue to my breasts...my strength of 20 men...is gone...No will to fight...No hope...Aaaaarh...I am your slave....Aaaaaarh..must obey you..." cooed Shazzan...her brown eyes barely open in the slits of her black silk mask.

"Good...Now tell me the secret to making you helpless.." said Hanna as she rubbed the sandpaper over the hard and erect dark brown nipples of the captured Arabian superwoman..who was secretly Princess Jadra...18 year old daughter of the Sultan. "Aaaaah...My breasts...and....Aaaaah..my clitoris...Aaaah...must never be touched like this..by the Prophet's Dictate...I lose my strength of 20 men...I become helpless...weak...tired...if I am touched in these places...Your evil paper hurts my nipples..makes me very tired...have to fall asleep" confessed Shazzan as she struggled to remain awake..tugging frantically at the ropes which were binding her hands and feet. "No!..You cannot sleep yet...I must know your true identity...my master will reward me richly..Tell me who you are.." demanded Hanna as she pinched Shazzan in her large dark brown nipples..again..and again.

"No...Aaah..must not tell..Aaah..must get...free" moaned Shazzan...knowing that if Headmistress Hanna kept torturing her hardening dark brown nipples in this way..she could very well reveal her true identity as Jadra...daughter of the Sultan...the Princess of Arabia. Fortunately for the Arabian superwoman..the boys who had tied her erotic bare feet to the bed...did not do a good job and her repeated struggles had managed to loosen the knots..even with her depleted strength. Knowing that she could not afford to be revealed as the Princess Jadra...Shazzan mustered her waning will power..for one final effort. She managed to get her muscular right leg free and thrust her erotic right foot at the elderly Hanna.

"Agghh!!" groaned Hanna as she fell unconscious to the floor..giving Shazzan's beauteous nipples a chance to soften..and allow her to regain her strength of 20 men. Flexing her arms and legs...the Heroine of Arabia freed herself from her remaining bonds..and donned her flimsy bra..panty and golden belt which lay nearby. She stood over the Hanna.. who lay dazed on the floor...her young charges having deserted the building in the time while she held the Arabian superwoman prisoner. Shazzan..planted the ball of her erotic right foot to the throat of the dazed villainess as she spoke to her. "You showed me no quarter when you so expertly manipulated my large breasts...but I shall be merciful to you Headmistress Hanna...if you tell me where I may find your Master..." said Shazzan. Fearing the heroine's wrath...the elderly villainess did as she was told.

Her erotic bare feet planted flat on the surface of her magic carpet...her muscular legs spread slightly apart..her muscular arms extended on either side of her curvy body...the night air blowing against her large bust and between her large thighs..barely clad by thin veils of black silk..which formed her bra and panty...her brown eyes filled with determination in the slits of her thin black silk mask..which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face which was framed by her thick mane of black hair...Shazzan flew towards her destination..a house on the outskirts of Baghdad. Seeing a light coming from a window on the upper floor of the house...the Arabian superwoman flexed her large thighs and leapt off her carpet as it flew over the house.

Her entrance caught the attention of a 40 year old man...who was dressed in fine silk attire and leather boots..befitting his status as one of the most privileged members of the Sultan's court. "Ah!...The Mighty Shazzan!.. Long have I heard the tales of your exploits against the evildoers in the Kingdom of Arabia!..To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit by such a beautiful and powerful woman to my humble home?" asked the noble as he turned to greet his guest.

"You may save your flattery for the Sultan Court Lord Jaffah!..I have learnt on this night that you are the one who has been guiding the acts of rebel brigands!..You order them to attack the merchan caravans to Baghdad..Only you as chief counsel to the Sultan would have knowledge of their routes!..I have come here to arrest you for your crimes!" declared the scantily clad heroine..who was secretly the 18-year old daughter of the Sultan..Princess Jadra.

Lord Jaffah smiled as he watched his young female nemesis standing before him in heroic pose. Her hands resting on either side of her curvy waist...her muscular legs spread apart..her erotic bare feet planted flat on the floor..her large bust..barely clad by a thin black silk bra pushed towards him..a golden belt with a crescent moon buckle entwined around her waist..gold bracelets on her wrists...gold bangles above her ankles..her identity concealed behind a black silk mask which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face that was framed by her thick mane of short black hair. She was truly all that he had heard her to be. "A most noble speech Shazzan...Clearly you are well versed..but alas you shall not be able to carry out your intentions...not when your young nipples grow hard at the sound of my voice..as the hands of men...touch your virgin breasts.." said Jaffah in a firm but soothing voice.

The tide turned immediately against the beauteous Arabian heroine. "Moons of Muhammad...My nipples respond to the sound of your voice....they fall under some form of sorcery...They become aroused as you speak...I..become so tired...I..cannot move..." sighed Shazzan as her head sagged between her huge breasts..her dark brown nipples becoming hard as rocks underneath her flimsy black silk bra..as she remained rigid in her heroic pose. "A very astute observation my young fool...Observe now as your genitals become wet as men's fingers explore the forest of your untouched place..You are becoming tired Shazzan...too tired to remain awake...Sleep...Sleep..Sleep...Sleep..Sleep" chanted the evil lord as he cast his evil magic over the young Princess of Arabia.

"Uhuhnn...I want to stop you Jaffah...but I cannot...my breasts..become weak..as men's hands touch them..men's fingers toy with my beautiful nipples..never have they been touched by a man...I grow wet in my loins...as men's fingers explore my nether lands...Uhnn...I am helpless against your evil magic...your cunning...cannot stop you..from making me..tired...weak...helpless" moaned Princess Jadra as she stood in heroic pose...staring sleepily at her foe.

"Ha! Ha!..You are now under the control of my special sleep spell...Hear and obey me now busty wench!" declared Lord Jaffah. "I....I...am...your....slave...O..Mighty...Jaffah....You..are...Master..of my breasts...Master of my nipples..My clitoris...is your slave...." replied the young Arabian princess who was completely hypnotised and helpless to act.

"Did you truly believe I could be bested my one such as you?!...I am a master of the dark arts...The sleep spell of which I speak to you exposes the most intimate secrets of it's victims...Remove your chest attire...I command it!" said Jaffah. "Yes Master...I obey" replied Shazzan as she undid her bra...exposing her large breasts..capped at their peaks by big dark brown nipples and areolas which were stiff and erect. "You are helpless are you not..when your young nipples are harded than the huge diamond in the turban of the Sultan?" asked Jaffah rhetorically. "Yes Master...You command them to be so...When my nipples are hard...I am weak...tired...pleasure..as I have never experienced in my breasts...I am powerless against you...Master..." cooed Princess Jadra...her head bowed between her amazing cleavage...awaiting the next instruction that Lord Jaffah would give her.

To be continued

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