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The Heroines of the West in The Hands of the Farm 
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Post The Heroines of the West in The Hands of the Farm
The Heroines of West in The Hands of the Farm

Texas 1854

JOHNATHAN BRADSHAW had been a farmer all his life...coming from a historic family of farmers.

From a young age...Bradshaw was a genius...coming up with new machines to help with the cultivation of his family's crops and rearing the vast herds of cattle that his family owned.

His intelligence did not dim with age.

Now 80.... Bradshaw imparted his knowledge to his three daughters...so they could run the family's farm when he was gone. He was proud of his daughters...who were all beautiful and blonde...but each with a unique set of skills.

The eldest NICOLE BRADSHAW...40... was muscular and strong woman...who did all the harvesting.

His second...ERICA BRADHSAW...30...inherited his intelligence...helping him design and perfect the machines to help run their vast farm.

His youngest EMMY BRADSHAW...20... was the most extroverted of the trio.

One day in the barn on the Bradshaw farm....Nicole... Erica and Emmy watched as their father showed off his new invention to them.

"Look at this my dears...Your pa has done it again. Taken me ten years...but this here is an automatic milking machine. It'll take more milk from our cows and it can be used for other things too. I'm going to show it off at an agriculture fair in Silver City in a few days. When the folks there see this...We're going to be rich" boasted Bradshaw to his daughters.

"Yes Pa" replied Nicole...Erica and Emmy in agreement.

A few days later

Silver City

MICHELLE SKY was together with her husband KURT CARLSON...the Sheriff of Silver City...at the agriculture fair in the middle of town.

Her blonde hair tied into a bun behind her head...wearing a baggy white shirt and long brown skirt...Michelle walked around the fair...while Kurt and his deputies were busy providing the security.

Many people came from nearby towns to participate in the fair.

Some were selling cattle, others closing were closing deals on fruit.

But the highlight was Farmer Bradshaw's new invention...a large automated milking machine...that could milk hundreds of cows at the same time...making it easier for farmers to get and sell their milk to their customers.

Michelle looked on as Bradshaw removed a large tarpaulin to reveal the machine and then his three blonde haired daughters herded in some cows to demonstrate how the machine worked.

"I've read a lot about Mr Bradshaw. His inventions attract a lot of attention from many rich and influential people in the United States. I have to wonder if he's the genius he claims to be...or just an expert con artist who hasn't gotten caught yet.

Michelle's thoughts were interrupted when she felt the all too familiar tingling sensations in her nipples under her shirt.

The sound of gunfire was heard as a group of 20 masked robbers...came riding into the middle of town...firing their pistols...causing people to scatter in all directions...as Sheriff Kurt Carlson and his six deputies were outnumbered as they tried to return fire and stop the robbers...who had clearly come to loot the fair for whatever they could get.

"My thoughts about Johnathan Bradshaw will have to wait...There's real danger to deal with now...Time for me to change into Eagle Woman!" resolved Michelle feeling excited as she made her way through the scattering crowd towards a deserted alley between two buildings to make her change.

Focusing her mind on an amulet that she wore around her neck under her baggy attire...Michelle caused a brown aura to form around her body...causing her baggy shirt...long skirt and flat shoes to disappear...as her skin turned from white to bronze...her body became voluptuous and muscular and a new flimsy attire donned her new body.

Her large firm breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy string bra made of eagle feathers...a tiny eagle feathered panty barely covering the space between her large muscular bronze thighs...her muscular bronze arms extended in front of her...her bronze hands...with slender fingers with shiny talon fingernails...her long muscular bronze legs extended below her wide shapely waist...the sexy toes of her erotic bare bronze feet with shiny talon toenails curled with tension and close together...her hair becoming loose and changing from blonde to a long mane of tousled glossy black hair...her blue eyes staring through the slits of an eagle feather mask across the upper part of her beauteous face...
Michelle Sky completed her transformation into Eagle Woman.

The muscles of her voluptuous bronze body accentuated...her large firm bronze breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy string bra made of eagle feathers...her muscular bronze arms and long muscular bronze legs moving in tandem...Eagle Woman emerged from the alley and sprinted into the heart of the agriculture fair which band of masked robbers were attempting to loot.

Flexing her huge bronze thighs...the Top Heavy Heroine leapt forward....driving the ball of her erotic right bronze foot into the face of a robber...knocking him off his horse and to the ground. Landing on the balls of her erotic bare bronze feet on the ground...her muscular bronze arms and long muscular bronze legs moving in tandem...Eagle Woman charged towards a group of six robbers...felling them with a sequence of punches and kicks before sprinting towards the middle of the fair...where Farmer Bradshaw and his three daughters were unsure of what to do...as their milking machine was so large...and they couldn't get it out of the fair...before six robbers confronted them at gun point.

Bradshaw watched with awe...his daughters watched in envy as Eagle Woman alighted into their midst on the balls of her erotic bare bronze feet...her huge firm bronze breasts threatening to spill out of her thin tight eagle feather bra as she dispatched them with a sequence of punches and kicks.

She turned to face Farmer Bradshaw and his daughters...assuming her heroic pose before them.

Her bronze hands balled into fists resting on either side of her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare bronze feet flat on the ground...her long muscular bronze legs slightly apart...her huge firm bronze breasts pushed forward with confidence...threatening to spill out from under her thin tight eagle feather bra.

"Mr Bradshaw....Are you and your daughters all right?" asked the Top-Heavy Heroine.

"Yes...Who...Who..." stammered Bradshaw...his dick stiff and erect under his pants...unable to stop looking at Eagle Woman's voluptuous and muscular bronze body.

"I'm Eagle Woman...the Super Heroine of Silver City...We can talk more later...but right now you and your daughters need to let me escort you to safety...There are still robbers around..." said the Top Heavy Heroine as people fled in all directions around them...and the sounds of gunfire was heard all around them.

"My milking machine...It's my life's work...I can't leave it" said Bradshaw.

"And we're not leaving our Pa!" said Nicole on behalf of her siblings.

As they spoke...Eagle Woman felt her big puffy brown nipples stiffen under her thin tight eagle feather bra...alerting her to imminent danger.

"Look out!" she cried...as she grabbed Bradshaw's left wrist and pulled him out of the path of some stray bullets which hit the metal frame of his prized milking machine instead.

"No!!...My machine!!...What have you done?!!" yelled Bradshaw as he ran to fix the milking machine which began to malfunction...several pipes rupturing...as it's heater went out of control...plumes of steam shooting out of different parts of its metal frame...while gunfire was heard around them...as people kept running for cover in different directions...as Sheriff Kurt Carlson and his six deputies engaged the robbers who outnumbered them in running gunfights through the fair.

While Eagle Woman knew her husband Kurt was doing his best to stop the robbers...she was concerned for his safety...and wanted to get to him...but was being delayed by the stubborness of old farmer Bradshaw.

Distracted...the Top Heavy Heroine was taken by surprise as Nicole Bradshaw picked up a thick piece of wood and smashed it right across her huge firm bronze breasts that threatened to spill out from under her thin tight eagle feather bra.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Eagle Woman in absolute agony...staggering backwards on the balls of her erotic bare bronze feet...collapsing to the ground on her back...her muscular bronze arms and long muscular bronze legs flailing in the air.

Bradshaw's youngest daughter Emmy straddled Eagle Woman...yanking off her thin tight eagle feather bra...exposing her huge firm bronze breasts...squeezing and rotating her famous big puffy shiny brown nipples which were hard and erect from the hard blow that her famous huge firm bronze breasts received from Nicole Bradshaw.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Eagle Woman in pain and pleasure...writhing helplessly under Emmy Bradshaw who was straddling her...and freely abusing her in her naked huge firm bronze breasts.

Farmer Bradshaw noticed the tips of the Top Heavy Heroine's big puffy hard erect and bullet shaped shiny brown nipples...becoming moist as Emmy continued to play with them.

"Quickly! Attach the suckers of the machine to the woman's big nipples!!" ordered Farmer Bradshaw. His middle daughter Erica responded by quickly taking two long tubes from the machine...and attaching them to the disoriented and aroused Eagle Woman's big hard and erect shiny brown nipples...while Emmy Bradshaw got off the Top Heavy Heroine...as her father pulled a lever on the damaged and malfunctioning milking machine to activate the milking process.

moaned Eagle Woman as she writhed frantically and in futility on the ground...as rivers of white milk were powerfully sucked out of her naked huge firm bronze breasts...the powerful suction making her wide shiny brown areolas hard...her big puffy shiny brown nipples hard erect and bullet-shaped...as milk was sucked out of her famous breasts and into Bradshaw's milking machine.

While her father and siblings were aroused and mesmerised by the futile struggles of the tired Top Heavy Heroine against the powerful suction of the milking machine...Nicole Bradshaw observed that the machine could not maintain the suction on Eagle Woman's naked huge firm bronze breasts and it began to catch on fire.

"We have to go!!" she yelled at them.

"Emmy! Erica! Take a gallon each of this heroine whore's milk and lets get out of here!!" Farmer Bradshaw ordered his middle and youngest daughter...while Erica brought their wagon...while the out of control milking machine reached a critical point...with Eagle Woman still attached to it.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned Eagle Woman in pain and pleasure as the milking machine exploded...throwing her several meters away...sending her crashing through the wooden wall of a nearby table...rolling several times on the ground...until she came to rest on her back...her muscular bronze arms limp past her head...her long muscular bronze legs spread wide open below her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare bronze feet resting on the ground on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with glossy talon like toenails straining to stay curled together with tension and close together.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...What...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my huge Eagle Breasts...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...hurt...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my big Eagle Nipples...my wide Eagle Areolas...have never been so
...haaa...haaaa....haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...feel so dizzy...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh
..feel so weak...can't...can't...stay...awake...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Eagle Woman...her blue eyes closing in the slits of her eagle feather mask as her head rolled against her broad right bronze shoulder...her voluptuous and muscular bronze body going completely limp...her erotic bare bronze feet resting on the barn floor on their smooth heels...wide spaces appearing between her sexy toes with glossy talon like toenails...erotic thoughts about her husband Sheriff Kurt Carlson swirling around inside of her head...as she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Returning to their farm...Bradshaw and his daughters drank some of Eagle Woman's breast milk.

They were each amazed at how rejuvenated it made them when they drank a little of it.

Farmer Bradshaw got an idea.

"I'm going to build a better milking machine...but not just for cows...We're going milk superheroines too...Seems they got special milk...and we can become rich by selling it" he declared.

"Yes Pa" replied Nicole...Erica and Emmy.

Emmy went and got her scrapbook.

"Look here Pa...Here's two of them!" said Emmy as she showed her father newspaper articles of ZORRA...the busty superwoman of Mexico...and HAWK WOMAN
...the Big Breasted Indian Fury who operated in Kansas.

"Good girl Emmy...We got our targets...Let's get to work girls" said Farmer Bradshaw.

One day later

Michelle Sky rubbed her shapely breasts under her baggy shirt as she returned to her house that was located just outside of Silver City.

While her husband Sheriff Kurt Carlson was dealing with the robbers who attacked the agriculture fair...Michelle was doing her own investigation into the Bradshaw family without his knowledge.

Kurt had no idea that his wife was the sexy scantily clad superheroine Eagle Woman.

"That farmer and his daughters used their milking machine on me...to suck milk out of my huge Eagle Breasts. That's never happened to me before. I never felt so aroused...weak and sleepy." thought Michelle.

"There's been no sign of them since the attack on the fair. They've got a few farms in Texas. They could be at one of them. Maybe I should pay them a visit as Eagle Woman. Kurt will be busy for a while." resolved Michelle with a smile...eager to become her sexy, super-powered alter-ego again.

Some hours later

The muscles of her voluptuous bronze body accentuated...her huge firm bronze breasts threatening to spill out from under her thin tight eagle feather bra which barely contained them...Eagle Woman flew high in the blue sky over the land outside of Silver City as she flew to one of the farms owned by the Bradshaw family.

Alighting on the balls of her erotic bare bronze feet to the ground... the Top Heavy Heroine approached the barn...where she found the strong Nicole Bradshaw carrying around some machines...while her youngest sibling Emmy was busy putting other machines together with a screwdriver and a hammer.

"Eagle Woman!" gasped Emmy as she saw the Top Heavy Heroine approaching them.

Nicole put the machines she was carrying down on the ground as Eagle Woman assumed her heroic pose in front of them.

Her bronze hands balled into fists resting on either side of her wide shapely waist.. her erotic bare bronze feet flat on the ground...her huge firm bronze breasts pushed forward...threatening to spill out of her thin tight eagle feather bra which barely contained them.

"I'm looking for your father! I've got some questions to ask him!" declared Eagle Woman.

"You're trespassing on private property Eagle Bitch!!You want someone to teach you some manners!! I'm going to do just that!!" snarled Erica as she charged towards the Top Heavy Heroine.

The duo traded punches and kicks for a long time with neither being able to get the upper hand over the other.

Then Erica missed with a wild swing but Eagle Woman scored a direct hit...driving the ball of her erotic right bare bronze foot into Erica's face...sending the eldest Bradshaw daughter flying backwards through the air...crashing into a plow...to the surprise of her youngest sibling Emmy.

Picking up a wrench...Emmy Bradshaw rushed Eagle Woman from behind...trying to surprise her.

But the Top Heavy Heroine was alerted to her threat... as her big nipples stiffened sharply under her thin tight eagle feather bra. Evading Emmy's attack...Eagle Woman countered with a left bronze fist to the youngest Bradshaw's face...and she passed out before she hit the ground.

Her huge firm bronze breasts threatening to spill out from under her thin tight eagle feather bra...Eagle Woman walked a short distance from the barn...where she encountered Farmer Johnathan Bradshaw.

"Eagle Woman?!!!...Why are you here trespassing on my farm??!!

...Did you harm my daughters??!!" asked Bradshaw...his dick stiff and erect under his pants...as he looked at the Top Heavy Heroine's huge firm bronze breasts which threatened to spill out from under her thin tight eagle feather bra.

"I need answered from you Mr Bradshaw. Why did you try to milk me at the agriculture fair when I was trying to protect you and your daughters from the criminals who were trying to rob it?" asked Eagle Woman as she maintained her heroic pose before the old farmer.

"You almost cost me my life's work Eagle Woman. But instead you showed me a new and more profitable way to use my milking machine! People will pay to drink the brest milk of superheroines!" gloated Bradshaw.

"You're not going to get away with that scheme Mr Bradshaw! I'm going to bring you to justice!" declared Eagle Woman.

While she was speaking...Bradshaw's second daughter...Erica looked on from the second floor of a warehouse...at Eagle Woman and her father...who were on the ground below her. Erica pulled a rope hanging nearby to release two heavy pieces of wood that were hanging nearby.

But feeling her big nipples stiffen under her thin tight eagle feather bra...Eagle Woman was alerted to the pieces of wood falling towards her. Spreading her long muscular bronze legs wide open...her erotic bare bronze feet flat on the ground...the Top Heavy Heroine raised her muscular bronze arms above her head...easily catching the pieces of wood in each of her bronze hands.

"Your plan to capture me failed Mr Bradshaw! It takes more than two pieces of wood to stop me!" quipped Eagle Woman with a smie...eager to bring the old farmer and his daughters to justice...and impress Sheriff Kurt Carlson...who had no idea that she was his wife Michelle Sky.

"True but that wasn't the plan!" gloated Bradshaw as he pulled out a bottle and doused the Top Heavy Heroine's huge firm bronze breasts with a clear liquid that was contained in the bottle.




...SLEEPY..." moaned Eagle Woman in pleasure as she dropped the pieces of wood to the ground...and staggered backwards on the balls of her erotic bare bronze feet...right into the hands of the waiting Erica Bradshaw.

"You ain't no match for Pa's genius!" sneered Erica as she yanked off the Top Heavy Heroine's soaked thin tight eagle feather bra and began to grope her naked huge firm bronze breasts gleefully...rubbing more of the farm animal aphrodisiac into them.








...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" complained Eagle Woman...wiggling helplessly in Erica's grips as the middle Bradshaw daughter squeezed her big puffy shiny brown nipples into hardness and erectness.

Nicole Bradshaw approached...angry at being bested by the Top Heavy Heroine and eager for payback.

"Give her to me!!" snarled Nicole.

Erica threw the Top Heavy Heroine into the arms of her older sister who squeezed the her naked huge firm bronze breastd breasts with a bear hug.





moaned Eagle Woman in absolute agony...her blue eyes rolling up in the slits of her eagle feather mask...as Nicole squeezed her naked huge firm bronze breasts...until she powerfully lactated...geysers of white milk shooting into the air out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny brown nipples....making her dizzier...weaker...and sleepier.

Nicole dropped the tired Top Heavy Heroine to the ground when she got bored.

Eagle Woman sprawled out on her back...her muscular bronze arms flung limp past her head...her long muscular bronze legs spread wide open below her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare bronze feet resting on the dirt on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with glossy talon like toenails...straining to stay close together and curled with tension...as Emmy Bradshaw approached.

"Got your big boobs worked on hero bitch! Time for you get it in your big clit!!" sneered Emmy as she pulled the Top Heavy Heroine's tiny tight eagle feather panty down to her knees...then took some of the liquid farm animal aphrodisiac that was on her naked huge firm bronze breasts and rubbed it on her big shiny brown clitoris...in the middle of her thick glossy black pubic bush...with her right middle and index fingers.









moaned Eagle Woman in pleasure as Emmy brought her to a gigantic orgasm...with a waterfall of thick white cum being discharged from her big hard wet excited and camel toe-shaped shiny brown cunt.

"The big boobed hero slut's finished Pa. We can keep her for you to use your new milking machine on" said Erica...eager to impress her father.

"A good idea Erica...but sadly we can't take the chance. Eagle Woman works closely with law enforcement in Texas...especially the Sheriff of Silver City...her sudden disappearance will attract too much attention.

Bradshaw had an idea and turned to his middle daughter Erica.

"Play with her big nipples...Make her tell us if there's a way to make her forget all her suspicions about us...and then knock her out for a long time so we can escape from Texas" Bradshaw ordered Erica.

"You heard Pa! How do we make you forget your suspicions about us and then knock you out for a long time?" asked Erica as she squeezed Eagle Woman's big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny brown nipples.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...rub my Eagle Cum...Uuuuuuuuuuuh...on my big haaard Eagle Nipples and on my wide haaaaard Eagle Areolas...then make me smell my Eagle Cum...I'll do whatever you tell me...and then pass out for hours...Uuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuh" confessed Eagle Woman sleepily.

Bradshaw grinned as he took some of the tired Top Heavy Heroine's thick white cum off the ground...between her wide open long muscular bronze legs...and rubbed it over each of her wide hard shiny brown areolas and her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny brown nipples.



...UUUUUUUUUUUUH...WILL BE READY...FOR A LONG KNOCKOUT...IF I ORGASM...ONE MORE TIME" moaned Eagle Woman as she stared with sleepy respect at the old farmer.

"You heard our guest Emmy" said Bradshaw.

"Yes Pa" replied Emmy and she rubbed the heroine's big hard wet and excited shiny brown clitoris again...with her left index and middle fingers..that were dipped in her thick white super erogenous cum on the ground.

"UUH...UUUH...UUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Eagle woman in pleasure as she had another gigantic orgasm...leaving barely clinging to consciousness.

Farmer Bradshaw then held his right index and middle fingers...dripping with her white super erogenous cum directly under her nose.

"Listen good Eagle Woman.You're going to forget any suspicions about you hace about the Bradshaw family, including what happened in Silver City" he instructed.



...UUUUUH...UUUUUH" moaned Eagle Woman in pleasure...her blue eyes barely open in the slits of her eagle feather mask that covered the upper part of her beauteous face...framed by her long mane of glossy black hair.

"Good...Time to sleep...Sweet Dreams" instructed Bradshaw.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Eagle Woman in pleasure and sleepy agreement...her blue eyes closing in the slits of her eagle feather mask...her naked huge firm bronze breasts rising and falling slowly...her erotic bare bronze feet resting on the dirt on their smooth heels...wide spaces between her sexy toes with glossy talon like toenails as she faded into unconsciousness and her mind went blank.

" Nicole...Take Eagle Woman far away from here...leave her closer to Silver City. By the time she wakes up, she won't remember anything and we'll be long gone from here" said Bradshaw.

"Yes Pa" replied Nicole as she slung the unconscious Eagle Woman over her left shoulder...dumped her unceremoniously into the back of a wagon and left the farm.

Reaching the hills outside of Silver City...Nicole dumped the unconscious Eagle Woman...her flimsy eagle feather bra and eagle feather panty...near an abandoned gold mine and headed back to the farm

A few hours later.

A drunk man headed out of Silver City happened to pass by the mine and saw Eagle Woman lying sprawled out on the ground...naked and unconscious

Getting off his horse...he staggered over to where she lay and began to fondle her naked huge firm bronze breasts...and squeeze her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny brown nipples.








...UUUUUUUUH" moaned Eagle Woman in pleasure and panic...wiggling helplessly on the ground...as geysers of white milk shot out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny brown nipples.

Her moans caught the ears of Sheriff Kurt Carlson...who was riding by on his horse.

Kurt dismounted and knocked out the drunk with a left fist to the jaw.

"Eagle Woman! Are you all right? What happened? asked Kurt as he helped the Top Heavy Heroine up on to her erotic bare bronze feet...gathered her flimsy bra and panty...and helped to where his horse was.

"Uuuuuuh...Sheriff Carlson...Uuuh

...Thanks for saving me...Uuuuuh

...I'll be okay...My big Eagle Nipples...My wide Eagle Areolas and my big Eagle Clitoris are getting soft...My Eagle Strength is coming back...I don't know what happened...Uuuuh...I was captured and knocked unconscious by some criminal and left here" said Eagle Woman to the handsome sheriff who had no idea she was his wife Michelle Sky.

"This happens a lot in your adventures Eagle Woman. You need to be more careful" said Kurt who felt aroused as he watched Eagle Woman don her tight tiny eagle feather panty and her flimsy tight eagle feather bra.

"I will Sheriff. Thanks again" said Eagle Woman as she kissed him on his right cheek and walked away.

A few weeks later

"My new milking machine is ready" said Bradshaw as he showed it to his three smiling daughters.

"Now we have to capture the two targets of our experiment. Nicole and I will go to San Pueblo in Mexico. Erica and Emmy will go to Kansas. I made contact with people in both places who know how to deal with the big breasted superheroines there...and help us bring them back to Texas" said Bradshaw.

To be continued.

Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:48 pm
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