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I don't Understand 
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Joined: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:19 pm
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Post I don't Understand
I am not even sure how to start this, to get somone to read, and try and understand my points...

I guess I will start out saying that, I have subscribed to HIPCOMIX & to MCCOMIX. I wanted to post this to MCCOMIX, but there is a programming error and I can not get anyone to respond to my e-mail.

I been thinking about, what I am about to say, for a long time. I don't know if anyone will care. I will also preface this with an acknowledgement and appreciation of the Artists that contribute here.

Ok On to the point.

One things I dislike, is paying somone to finance their hobby. Something they would have done purely for their own pleasure and they want me to pay for the privilege. I think i do understand that having a passion makes a product BETTER....however when I elect to pay...I think the person paying has the right to an expectation as well. I am not saying dictate, and I am keenly aware that if I do not like it I can STOP paying, thats not what I am saying, I am trying to understand...

Once again i THINK I know what "HIP" means....I think i understand it's intent....

But I am confused....Back when I was growing up, a very nasty name to call a woman was a "COCK TEASE" it denoted a woman who flirted, suggested, and very unfairly TEASED a male with no intent of doing anything, but that. It was not flirting, and it was meant to be done simply to watch the partner squirm and play with their emotions

When I look here, and at MCCOMIX.... this is what I see. There is lots of nudity, Some "Girl on girl" action, the occasional plastic object.

There was, in the archive 1 or 2 MALES (OMG what a concept) that were undead fetid rotting corpses (how arousing) but over all Theses stories seem to START no where...and GO no where. I have not felt this way since I was 14 and discovered a "Playboy" and hid in the closet to look at the naughty pictures of the woman with her hand over her pussy.

Themes that seem taboo (here) is ANYTHING that involves an intelligent dominant male.... Heroines can be tied up..and released (with nothing actually HAPPENING) and many authors come up with names like "Blunder Woman" in an attempt to avoid Copyright and to tell their readers, we do not think your worth the time to come up with an actual NAME.

I really am not looking to be rude or crude, nor to criticize someones individual preference...

but does ANYONE know of ANY sights where the stories are actual stories, the heroines can actually (SOMEtimes) be defeated...and there is at least effort that goes into a plot? A male who see's a beautiful captive and doesn't decide to go get a latte before he does something? I'd like to PAY for that....

i can see the artists here...have ideas, they have desires...

Anyways if anyone can help..I'd be VERY grateful

Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:46 am
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Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:17 am
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Post Re: I don't Understand

I've answered a similar post at MCcomix recently... Your comment are much appreciated as a constructive criticism and I'm only capable of talking about my work and comic updates... so let me share my point of view with you.

When you talk about Hobbying, you're totally wrong with me as THIS is my FULLtime work... and sincerely is not a well paid work if I take in consideration the time I need to do any of my updates. Any of my new updates take me an average time of 10-12 hours of hard work, setting the scenes, rendering and doing the postwork and lettering layout.
So I don't pretend to get you dissapointed but your comments is a bit disrespectful in my personal case, as I think I'm offering a competitive and decent artwork for a website of this kind... not a hobbyist's one.

I've discussed this theme a lot of times with JPEGER, as I'm posting in a paysite I always try to offer a "professional" work cause there are people who are paying for it.

About the comic themes and stories... As I told in MCcomix's forums: I'M NOT a SCRYER. I'm unable to know if people like the published comic or not if I didn't get any feedback of them. I've not got any feedback of my work since long time.

It's true that I got some similar comments in private messages or post at my Deviant Art page and I'm agree with you in some of your criticism... and accept my part as my fault.

I only can tell you that my ongoing series and new ones are going to be plenty of "heterosexual" scenes and I'm trying to fix that fact in the future... of course we'll found any kind of stuff also, specially in the Halloween's special stories that my brother and me are doing at this moment.

In the next updates of Larra Court's adventures you'll find a lot of male/female domination stuff as well in other of my new stories.

If you want to share some of your like/dislikes with me, I'm always available through my mail: theartist@mitrucomix.com

I always reply to the messages so feel you free to contact me at your discrection.

Thanks for your comments

Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:08 am
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